Le PDG de Binance accusé de fraude par le Congrès brésilien
- Un comité du Congrès brésilien a recommandé aux forces de l'ordre locales d'enquêter sur Binance et son PDG.
- Il affirme que la bourse, le PDG Zhao et ses dirigeants locaux sont engagés dans des stratagèmes frauduleux.
- Le comité du Congrès a accusé l'entreprise d'opérer sans licence suffisante dans la région.
- The firm has “set up an opaque network of legal entities, all controlled directly or indirectly by Zhao,” it said.
Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of the world’s largest crypto exchange by trading volume, Binance, is now a target of a Brazilian congressional committee that has recommended law enforcement actions against the executive and seeks to indict the billionaire entrepreneur over alleged fraudulent financial pyramid schemes in the South American country.
Un 500 pages rapport a été publié par le comité brésilien le 10 octobre, dans lequel le PDG de Binance, ainsi que les dirigeants locaux Daniel Mangabeira, Guilherme Haddad Nazar et Thiago Carvalho, ont été accusés de pratiques de gestion frauduleuses, d'opérer sans autorisation suffisante et de proposer des transactions sur titres sans autorisation.
The committee led by deputy Ricardo Silva claimed that Binance, Zhao, and others “set up an opaque network of legal entities, all controlled directly or indirectly by Zhao, without defined business purposes and with no other purpose than evading compliance with the law.” The committee also suggested the indictment of 45 other people, citing “strong evidence” of their alleged participation in criminal schemes.
Silva noted that Binance’s operations in several jurisdictions are being investigated, and in Brazil, the authorities believe that the exchange is “surrounded by suspicion.” The Congressional committee asked the Federal Public Ministry to launch an investigation into the crypto exchange and its executives. The focus of the investigation would be on tax evasion, money laundering, and the financing of organized crime and terrorism.
The committee also targeted the crypto exchange’s sale of derivatives products, asking the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) to launch an investigation into these products. It believes that despite being told to cease offering derivatives to the country’s citizens, Binance continued to offer them, which constituted a “repeated violation” of market regulations.
Il est important de noter que les documents de 500 pages du comité ne lient pas les autorités locales chargées de l'application des lois mais ne sont que de simples suggestions. Les régulateurs régionaux décideront s’ils lanceront une enquête ou s’ils s’abstiendront de le faire.
As reported earlier by Bitnation, Binance confirmed that it was helping Israel’s police freeze some crypto accounts lié au groupe Hamas. Les autorités ont saisi 190 comptes liés au Hamas sur la principale bourse depuis 2021.