Nexo ha intentato una causa contro la Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) per la sua registrazione come VASP nella regione.

Nexo intenta causa contro le Isole Cayman: dettagli

  • Nexo ha intentato una causa contro la Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) per la sua registrazione come VASP nella regione.
  • The crypto lender stated that it was “suitable” to offer crypto services to citizens of the island nation.
  • CIMA claims that Nexo had not disclosed “certain legal and regulatory matters as noted in the news media.”
  • Recentemente, l'azienda è stata perquisita dalle autorità bulgare e quattro persone sono state incriminate con l'accusa di riciclaggio di denaro.

The chaos in the crypto market continues to prevail as the industry is trying to move ahead after the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. Interestingly, renowned crypto lender Nexo, which is facing troubles of its own, has filed a lawsuit against the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) the same week that Bulgarian authorities raided Nexo’s offices and indicted four people on charges of money laundering.

According to a document from January 12, the crypto lending company has sued CIMA for denying its registration as a virtual asset service provider (VASP) in the Cayman Islands. The crypto lender requested the court to reverse the financial regulator’s decision and argued that it was “suitable” to offer crypto services to citizens of the island nation.

In accordance with court documents, Nexo submitted an application to CIMA in January 2021 with updated information at the regulator’s request. However, the regulator claimed that Nexo had not disclosed “certain legal and regulatory matters as noted in the news media” and therefore demanded clarification on the application last October. Notably, the monetary authority denied the application in December last year.

“The Authority breached its constitutional and statutory duty to provide comprehensible, satisfactory and sufficiently detailed reasons for its Refusal Decision,” the crypto lender alleges.

È interessante notare che Nexo, con sede a Sofia, in Bulgaria, è sotto inchiesta per l'utilizzo di conti offshore per evadere le tasse e riciclare denaro dall'aprile 2021. La Commissione bulgara per la supervisione finanziaria (BFSC) ha inizialmente avviato le indagini collaborando con le forze dell'ordine in Bulgaria, nel Regno Unito , e gli Stati Uniti.

Tutte le accuse di scorrettezza sono state respinte da Nexo, che ha affermato che la società rispetta pienamente tutte le leggi e i regolamenti pertinenti.

Citing instances in UK courts, Nexo argued that CIMA had given “too much weight” to regulators’ plans to take enforcement action against the cryptocurrency lender. United States state-level agencies also issued ordini di cessazione e desistenza a Nexo nel 2022, but Nexo claims in its lawsuit that this doesn’t indicate that the company acted improperly:

“[Nexo] had diligently cooperated with all US states and federal regulatory inquiries and has been proactive in maintaining dialogue with the respective regulators […] There have been some regulatory ambiguities with respect to the laws and regulations applicable to digital assets in the US such that the fact of the regulatory enforcement itself does not connote any improper behavior.”

È interessante notare che i co-fondatori del prestatore di criptovalute, Antoni Trenchev e Kalin Metodiev, hanno confermato che non è insolvente, aggiungendo che la piattaforma non ha legami o esposizioni con l'hedge fund di criptovalute in bancarotta 3AC o con l'ecosistema Terra.

Due to a lack of regulatory certainty, the lending company stated in December that it will gradually stop operating in the United States “over the coming months.” It is also crucial to note that the native token of the lending platform, NEXO, has dropped significantly over the past couple of months since its listing on the world’s biggest crypto exchange, Binance.

Al momento in cui scriviamo, il prezzo di 1 NEXO è in calo di 84% rispetto al massimo storico registrato nel mese di novembre dello scorso anno e ha un prezzo di $0.7396, mentre l'ATH era di $4.63.

Parte Dubey
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