Autor „Moneyball” i „The Big Short” będzie pracował nad książką o FTX i jej założycielu, Samie Bankmanie-Fried.

FTX pozywa Bankmana-Frieda w sprawie $220 milionów transakcji

  • Bankman-Fried and former executives at FTX paid little attention to records and due diligence, which led to the company’s collapse.
  • Pozew ma na celu odzyskanie $236,8 miliona od dyrektorów Giles i Embed. 

Zbankrutowana kryptowalutowa platforma transakcyjna FTX pozywa swojego byłego dyrektora generalnego Sama Bankmana-Frieda, współzałożyciela Zixiao Wanga i byłego dyrektora Nishada Singha o odzyskanie ponad $220 milionów wydanych na zakup platformy handlu akcjami Embed. W pozwie twierdzi się, że byli dyrektorzy nie przeprowadzili należytej staranności przed zakupem w dużej mierze nieefektywnej, wadliwej platformy oprogramowania.

Drzewo procesy sądowe, which were filed on Wednesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware, also targeted some Embed executives, such as founder Michael Giles, and some shareholders. FTX’s leadership accused Bankman-Fried and other executives of misappropriating the exchange’s funds for their acquisition. The lawsuit claims that Bankman-Fried and other insiders took “advantage of the FTX Group’s lack of controls and recordkeeping to perpetrate a massive fraud.”

FTX lawyers claimed the former leadership concluded the purchase despite knowing that the exchange was insolvent at the time. The lawyers additionally stated that FTX insiders created false records to hide Alameda Research’s contribution to financing the Embed purchase, alleging that funds had been exchanged between both companies rather than from Bankman-Fried, Singh, and Wang as had been represented.

Since filing for bankruptcy in November, FTX’s new leadership has been working to recover assets to pay back customers. Interestingly, U.S. law permits dłużnicy odzyskania płatności dokonanych na określonych warunkach przed ogłoszeniem upadłości i wykorzystania tych środków na zaspokojenie wierzycieli.

FTX’s downfall wiped off billions of customer funds. As part of its plans to raise funds, FTX attempted to sell Embed. However, Giles made the highest offer, a meager $1 million. FTX lawyers claimed that the bid shows that the funds used to purchase Embed were “wildly inflated relative to the company’s fair value, which Giles well knew.” FTX’s lawyers claimed that Giles had “personally received approximately $157 million in connection with the acquisition.”

“The bidders had figured out what the FTX Group and FTX Insiders did not bother to assess prior to the Embed acquisition, namely, that Embed’s vaunted software platform was essentially worthless,” FTX lawyers wrote in the lawsuit.

The lawsuit claimed that insiders at Embed expressed disbelief that FTX spent so much for their company after a brief meeting with Giles and were shocked at the exchange’s hasty approach to the deal.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Zweryfikowany autor

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