Presidente da FDIC: Signature Bank sofreu exposição a cripto
- O Signature Bank e o Silvergate Bank foram dois dos bancos mais amigáveis às criptomoedas.
- Alguns entusiastas de cripto acreditam que a Casa Branca e alguns reguladores estão empenhados em impedir que a indústria de cripto acesse serviços financeiros.
FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg believes the collapse of Signature Bank was largely caused by the bank’s dependence on uninsured deposits and exposure to cryptocurrencies. While giving an endereço before the House Committee on Financial Services, Gruenberg claimed that a key factor in Signature’s decline was the company’s failure to handle its “reckless growth strategy” and insufficient risk management measures.
The FDIC Chair claimed that “the bank failed to understand the risk of its association with and reliance on crypto industry deposits or its vulnerability to contagion from crypto industry turmoil that occurred in late 2022 and into 2023.”
O Signature Bank prestou serviços a vários players importantes no setor de criptografia antes de saiu do negócio. Alguns de seus clientes incluem o emissor de stablecoin Circle e a exchange de criptomoedas Kraken. O banco era conhecido por processar pagamentos rápidos e ininterruptos entre clientes membros.
“Although the fallout from the liquidation of Silvergate and the failure of Silicon Valley Bank was unprecedented and unfolded rapidly, Signature Bank’s poor governance and inadequate risk management practices put the bank in a position where it could not effectively manage its liquidity in a time of stress, making it unable to meet very large withdrawal requests,” Gruenberg added.
Vários bancos americanos amigos das criptomoedas sofreram muito com a implosão da FTX e de outras empresas criptográficas, levando a temores sobre o crescente relacionamento entre as empresas criptográficas e o sistema financeiro dos EUA.
Os bancos tradicionais relutavam anteriormente em cooperar com a indústria de criptomoedas durante seus primeiros anos, pois a percebiam como inerentemente perigosa. No entanto, os bancos parecem ter mudado sua visão do setor nos últimos anos.
Large financial institutions like JPMorgan and BNY Mellon began banking on cryptocurrency exchanges and allowing their customers to store and trade coins. Regulators monitored the industry, but aside from a few “policy sprints,” they took very little action.
No entanto, as coisas pioraram em 2022. O mercado de criptomoedas sofreu uma queda impressionante. Os preços das criptomoedas caíram e cerca de $60 bilhões foram perdidos em maio, quando a stablecoin Terra-Luna falhou, desencadeando um efeito dominó que acabou derrubando o credor de criptomoedas Celsius, o fundo de hedge Three Arrows Capitals e outras empresas.
Although the collapses of crypto projects did not have huge effects on the mainstream financial market, regulators felt obligated to ensure that it remained that way. Institutions like the Federal Reserve, FDIC, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) claimed that cryptocurrency poses a “significant risk” for banks.
Essas declarações e outras ações de fiscalização levaram ao aumento das tensões entre os reguladores dos EUA e as empresas de criptomoedas.