Circle wycofuje wsparcie dla kont indywidualnych
- Circle zauważyło, że nowa decyzja nie dotyczy rachunków instytucjonalnych ani biznesowych.
- USDC straciło ogromną część swojego udziału w rynku w 2023 r., podczas gdy USDT niedawno osiągnęło nowy najwyższy poziom.
Circle, firma stojąca za stablecoinem USDC, już to zrobiła ogłoszony planuje wycofać konta indywidualne lub konta klientów do 30 listopada. Firma potwierdziła tę wiadomość we wtorek, 31 października, zaznaczając, że będzie nadal wspierać mennice instytucjonalne i biznesowe.
Rzecznik Circle powiedział w e-mailu:
Firma Circle wycofuje obsługę dotychczasowych kont konsumenckich i powiadomiła konsumentów indywidualnych o tej decyzji. Zamknięcie kont nie dotyczy kont biznesowych ani instytucjonalnych Circle Mint.

The spokesman confirmed that retail users can continue to access USDC using crypto exchanges, brokerages, and digital asset wallet services. Several Circle users took to X (formerly Twitter) to speculate on the possible reason behind this decision. One user suggested that individual accounts used for money laundering activities could be draining Circle’s reserves.
Another user provided a theory claiming that retail accounts could have been closed as part of a “cost-cutting/restructuring exercise.” Circle described certain user accounts as “legacy consumer accounts” in its statement, which appears to indicate that they were not being used as frequently as they had been in the past.
Jednak dyrektor generalny Circle, Jeremy Allaire, odrzucił te twierdzenia w swoim artykule ćwierkać na X. Napisał:
Lots of noise about Circle limiting individuals from using Circle Mint. There is nothing new here. We haven’t allowed individuals to open Circle accounts in years and have been institution-only for years as well. We have tremendous retail partners all around the world, including our strategic partner Coinbase, who offers excellent retail access to USDC without fees and always 1:1.
Allaire added that “the only change is that for a few thousand individual user accounts that were still open with us, we are no longer going to support those accounts. Please ignore the FUD, conspiracy theories, etc. Thanks.”
Circle’s decision to phase out individual accounts imitates a practice adopted by its primary rival, Tether, which caps USDT minting and redemptions at a $100,000 minimum. Circle’s USDC, the second-largest stablecoin, has seen a huge decline in its share this year. USDC has lost almost 43% of its market cap, while USDT has surged to an all-time high of nearly $84 billion.
Co ciekawe, dotyczy to kilku krajów pracujący w kierunku wydania przepisów, które będą kierować rynkiem monet stabilnych w 2024 r.