La SEC acusa al creador de la estafa CoinDeal y otros siete
- La SEC ha acusado a Neil Chandran, Garry Davidson, Michael Glaspie, Amy Mossel, Linda Knott y firmas relacionadas por la estafa de CoinDeal.
- Los presuntos estafadores se acercaron a las personas para invertir dinero en la tecnología de cadena de bloques CoinDeal y recaudaron $45 millones de la misma.
- Se prometió que CoinDeal se vendería por billones de dólares a personas adineradas, pero no se produjo ninguna venta.
- Chandran usó el dinero para comprar autos, bienes raíces y un bote.
Las autoridades de los Estados Unidos se han vuelto cada vez más escépticas con respecto a las criptomonedas y los activos digitales, y el reciente enjambre de cargos deja claro que la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha dominado a las empresas de criptomonedas y sus fundadores. A la luz de eventos similares, el regulador de valores acusó al fundador de CoinDeal, junto con otros siete, en relación con un fraude de $45 millones.
De acuerdo a un presione soltar from the SEC, the regulator charged Neil Chandran, Garry Davidson, Michael Glaspie, Amy Mossel, Linda Knott, AEO Publishing Inc., Banner Co-Op, Inc., and BannersGo, LLC, for their alleged “involvement in a fraudulent investment scheme named CoinDeal that raised more than $45 million from sales of unregistered securities to tens of thousands of investors worldwide.”
“We allege the defendants falsely claimed access to valuable blockchain technology and that the imminent sale of the technology would generate investment returns of more than 500,000 times for investors,” said Daniel Gregus, Director of the SEC’s Chicago Regional Office. “As alleged in our complaint, in reality this was all just an elaborate scheme where the defendants enriched themselves while defrauding tens of thousands of retail investors.”
As per the SEC’s complaint filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, the people involved in the scam, Chandran, Davidson, Glaspie, Knott, and Mossel, made false claims about the potential of investment in blockchain technology, CoinDeal, to investors and promised people that the technology will be sold to wealthy people for trillions of dollars. However, this wasn’t the case.
No sale of CoinDeal ever occurred while Chandran, Davidson, Glaspie, Knott, and Mossel “disseminated false and misleading statements to investors regarding the purported value of CoinDeal, the parties involved in the supposed sale of CoinDeal, and the use of investment proceeds” between January 2019 to 2022
The SEC also believes that together, the people involved in the CoinDeal scheme successfully “misappropriated millions of dollars of investor funds for personal use,” and reportedly, Chandran had purchased cars, real estate, and a boat using the same. It is also crucial to note that in June 2022, Chandran was indicted by the DoJ in the US District Court for the District of Nebraska “on three counts of wire fraud and two counts of monetary transactions in unlawful proceeds for his involvement in CoinDeal.”
“The SEC’s complaint seeks disgorgement plus pre-judgment interest, penalties, and permanent injunctions against all defendants; officer and director bars against Chandran, Davidson, Glaspie, Knott, and Mossel; and a conduct-based injunction against Chandran,” the statement read further.
Recientemente, la popular celebridad Kim Kardashian también estuvo bajo la mira de la SEC por la promoción de EthereumMAX (EMAX), según se informa, un esquema de criptografía de bombeo y descarga. Además, la SEC y la CFTC han comenzado cada vez más a tomar medidas enérgicas contra las criptoempresas, y esta última acusó recientemente a Adam Todd, fundador de criptofuturos y el mercado de divisas al contado Digitex, por múltiples violaciones de la Ley de Intercambio de Productos Básicos (CEA).