Coinbase, New York Düzenleyicileri ile Anlaşmaya Vardı
- Coinbase, uyumluluğa yaptığı yatırımın küresel olarak diğer tüm kripto borsalarını geride bıraktığını iddia ediyor.
- Regulators first spotted issues with Coinbase’s compliance in 2020, but the exchange has been slow to implement recommendations.
ABD merkezli kripto para borsası Coinbase, düzenleyicilerin kullanıcıların kara para aklama yasalarını ihlal ederek yeterli geçmiş kontrolü yapmadan hesap kaydetmesine izin verdiğine karar vermesinin ardından $50 milyon para cezası ödemeyi kabul etti.
bu anlaşma New York Eyaleti Mali Hizmetler Departmanı ile yaptığı anlaşma, kripto ticaret şirketinin, güvenliğini artıracak ve çocuk pornografisi, kara para aklayıcılar ve uyuşturucu kaçakçıları gibi suçluları Coinbase ile hesap açmaktan caydıracak uyum programını güçlendirmek için $50 milyon yatırım yapmasını gerektiriyor.
Coinbase obtained a license to operate in New York in 2017, according to officials, and the compliance issues at the firm were first discovered during a routine assessment in 2020. Regulators said they were already concerned with Coinbase’s anti-money-laundering controls in 2018.
The state Department of Financial Services said Coinbase’s anti-money-laundering program was weak and inadequate for an organization of its size. Regulators further claimed that the trading platform’s systems for monitoring fraudulent transactions were below par, which was a threat to financial security.
In one case, a digital criminal who opened a Coinbase account under the guise of working for an undisclosed organization managed to steal $150 million without Coinbase’s knowledge.
Coinbase initially pledged to hire an independent consultant to bring its daily operations into compliance with anti-money-laundering rules, to know the identity of its users, and keep an eye out for any questionable conduct.
Finansal Hizmetler Müfettişi Adrienne A. Harris anlaşmaya tepki olarak şunları söyledi:
It is critical that all financial institutions safeguard their systems from bad actors, and the Department’s expectations with respect to consumer protection, cybersecurity, and anti-money laundering programs are just as stringent for cryptocurrency companies as they are for traditional financial services institutions. Coinbase failed to build and maintain a functional compliance program that could keep pace with its growth.
Coinbase’s chief legal officer, Paul Grewal, said in a statement that the crypto exchange had taken steps to address the concerns raised by the financial regulator and “remains committed to being a leader and role model in the crypto space, including partnering with regulators when it comes to compliance.”
Grewal claimed that Coinbase’s investment in compliance “outpaces every other crypto exchange anywhere in the world,” adding that “customers can feel safe and protected while using our platforms.”
U.S. authorities have long been concerned that the crypto sector could weaken international anti-money-laundering safeguards. Interestingly, crypto executives have long taken pride in their ability to avoid regulation.
Eyalet ve federal yetkililer, son on yılda Coinbase ve uluslararası rakipleri gibi borsaları düzenlemek için ellerinden gelen her şeyi yaptılar. son FTX draması düzenleyicilere sektörü kontrol etme arayışlarında üstünlük sağlamış görünüyor.