Bitcoin Düşmanı Charlie Munger 99 Yaşında Vefat Etti
- Milyarder, Berkshire Hathaway'in başkan yardımcısı ve Bitcoin düşmanı Charlie Munger 99 yaşında öldü.
- Warren Buffett'ın sağ kolu 1 Ocak 2024'te 100 yaşına girecekti.
- Edinilen bilgiye göre Munger, yaşadığı Kaliforniya hastanesinde huzur içinde öldü.
- Munger advised the US government to ban Bitcoin and claimed that it doesn’t have any “intrinsic value.”
Charlie Munger, the right-hand man of Warren Buffett, the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, and a prominent hater of Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s largest digital asset by market capitalization, has passed away at the age of 99 at a hospital in California, where he lived. Munger is known for being a tech guru and investment mogul.
göre bildiri from Reuters on November 28, Munger died peacefully in a hospital in California and would’ve turned 100 on January 1, 2024. Buffett, who’s 93 and lost his closest partner, said, “Berkshire Hathaway could not have been built to its present status without Charlie’s inspiration, wisdom, and participation.”
Munger was the vice president of Berkshire Hathaway since 1978, and his death marks the end of an era of corporate America and investing. Tim Cook, the chief executive of tech giant Apple, commented on Munger’s death, ekleme, “A titan of business and keen observer of the world around him, Charlie Munger helped build an American institution and, through his wisdom and insights, inspired a generation of leaders. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Charlie.”
Munger, Bitcoin'in güçlü bir eleştirmeniydi ve dijital varlık sektörünün yasaklanmasını savundu. Finansal bir deha olarak bilinmesine rağmen, Bitcoin hakkındaki görüşleri blockchain ve dijital varlık sektörü üyelerinin eleştirilerine yol açtı.
Bir Kasım ayında röportaj yapmak with The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Munger said that the recent jump in the price of Bitcoin worried him. He remained skeptical of “artificial currencies,” comparing BTC to throwing a “stinky marble” at a long-standing recipe that works well for many people.
As per Munger’s ifadeler, Bitcoin “doesn’t have any intrinsic value,” and “the urge to participate in something that looks like easy money is a human instinct that was always there.” He remained a firm believer in the US dollar and compared BTC to gambling and get-rich-quick schemes.
“Crypto is an investment in nothing, and the guy who’s trying to sell you an investment in nothing says, ‘I have a special kind of nothing that’s difficult to make more of,’” Munger söz konusu.
Daha önce Bitnation tarafından bildirildiği üzere Munger, Şubat ayında ABD hükümetinden şunları talep etti: Çin gibi kripto para birimlerini yasaklayın while describing Bitcoin as an example of “wild and woolly capitalism.”