SBF begär tillgång till FTX-medel i brev till domare
- SBF’s lawyer, Mark Cohen, wrote a letter to United States District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan as per Jan. 28 court documents.
- Cohen bad Kaplan att låta den tidigare FTX-vd:n få tillgång till de medel som tillhör börsen.
- Advokaten bad också domaren att låta SBF ha obegränsad kontakt med sin terapeut och sin pappa.
- Cohen bad också Kaplan att tillåta Bankman-Fried att kontakta någon anställd eller agent för en utländsk tillsynsmyndighet utanför närvaro av advokater.
The founder of the former multi-billion dollar crypto exchange, Sam Bankman-Fried, also known as SBF in the crypto space, is making moves despite being in his parents’ home due to bail conditions. Interestingly, the collapse of FTX has affected many kryptoföretag, media, statliga myndigheter, och mer, och fordringsägarna fortsätter att hopa sig i syfte att likvidera tillgångar och få vad de kan.
Rättshandlingar från den 28 januari visar att advokaten som anlitats av SBF, Mark Cohen, skrev ett brev till USA:s distriktsdomare Lewis Kaplan. I brevet uppgav Cohen att Bankman-Fried borde ges tillgång till de medel som hör till börsen och tillade att börsens tidigare vd inte var ansvarig för tidigare otillåtna transaktioner.
I november 2022 tittade FTX och dess amerikanska arm på otillåtna transaktioner, som såg ett utflöde på över $659 miljoner enligt Nansen-data. Då förnekade SBF inblandning i dessa transaktioner då börsen fortsatte att utreda transaktionerna.
In the letter, Cohen noted that SBF was “prohibited from accessing or transferring any FTX or Alameda assets or cryptocurrency, including assets or cryptocurrency purchased with funds from FTX or Alameda,” as per the request of the US authorities on January 3. The authorities noted at that time that Bankman-Fried couldn’t possibly be behind these transactions, adding that a federal probe was underway.
“Nearly three weeks have passed since the initial pretrial conference, and we assume that the Government’s investigation has confirmed what Mr. Bankman-Fried has said all along; namely, that he did not access and transfer these assets,” said Cohen in the letter to Kaplan, while adding that the defense informed authorities “as soon as we became aware of the transfers to provide notification.”
Finally, the lawyers for SBF noted that since the former FTX executive wasn’t behind these transactions, he should be given access to the funds belonging to the exchange.
“Given that the sole basis advanced for seeking that condition has not been supported, we believe that the bail condition imposed at the conference should be removed,” read the letter.
Som tidigare rapporterats av Bitnation försöker de federala åklagarna begränsa åtkomsten that SBF has to people who are former employees of FTX or Alameda Research to prevent possible attempts from Bankman-Fried to influence witnesses in his case. However, the defense added that this is not possible because that would mean that he wouldn’t be able to talk to his therapist, who is a former employee at the exchange.
“According to public sources, FTX and Alameda had approximately 350 employees. Each of these current and former employees could have information crucial to Mr. Bankman-Fried’s defense. Requiring Mr. Bankman-Fried to include counsel in every communication with a former or current FTX employee would place an unnecessary strain on his resources and prejudice his ability to defend this case,” read the letter.