SEC är inte den lämpliga regulatorn av kryptotillgångar, säger Circles VD
- Circles vd Jeremy Allaire sa i en intervju att SEC inte är den lämpliga organisationen för att reglera krypto.
- Allaire stated that the dollar-pegged “payment stablecoins” should be under the oversight of a banking regulator and not the Commission.
- Chefen stöder tillsynsmyndighetens förslag att göra det svårare för kryptoföretag att fungera som förvaringsinstitut för digitala tillgångar.
The actions taken by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission when it comes to the regulation of crypto assets haven’t been top-notch and attracted the criticism of crypto proponents as well as Congressmen because of the regulator’s failure in protecting investors. Interestingly, the CEO and founder of Circle, the firm behind the stablecoin USDC, Jeremy Allaire, recently stated that the SEC is not the appropriate organization to regulate crypto.
I en intervju med Bloomberg den 24 februari uttalade Allaire att SEC inte är lämpligt att reglera kryptosektorn på grund av den orättvisa behandlingen som ges till kryptoföretag och gav ett exempel på de åtgärder som tillsynsmyndigheten vidtog mot Paxos, en New York-baserad finansiell institution och teknikföretag specialiserat på blockchain.
Som rapporterats tidigare av Bitnation, den SEC utfärdade ett Wells-meddelande till Paxos which is the creator and owner of crypto exchange Binance’s BUSD stablecoin, a crypto coin which is pegged to the US dollar in a 1:1 ratio. The securities regulator believes that BUSD is an unregistered security and therefore, asked Paxos to shut down its issuance. Interestingly, the payments company confirmed that it would put a pause to the creation of BUSD stablecoins.
The Circle executive stated that the dollar-pegged “payment stablecoins” should be under the oversight of a banking regulator, and not under the control of the SEC. “I don’t think the SEC is the regulator for stablecoins,” said Allaire, while adding that “there is a reason why everywhere in the world, including the US, the government is specifically saying payment stablecoins are a payment system and banking regulator activity.”
“There are lots of flavors, as we like to say, not all stablecoins are created equal,” Allaire said adding, “But, clearly, from a policy perspective, the uniform view around the world is this is a payment system, prudential regulator space.”
However, the Circle CEO stated that he supports the proposals set forth by the Gensler-led Securities and Exchange Commission to “expand the scope” of rules set out by the 2009 Custody Rules. The proposal would make it more difficult for crypto companies to serve as custodians of digital assets in the near future.
Tillsynsmyndigheten angav i förslaget att i allmänhet kan en federal eller statligt godkänd bank eller sparförening, trustbolag, en registrerad mäklare-handlare, en registrerad terminsprovisionshandlare eller en utländsk finansiell institution kvalificeras som förvaringsinstitut.
“We think having qualified custodians that can provide the appropriate control structures and bankruptcy protections and the other things is a very important market structure and very valuable.”
SEC har nyligen blivit ganska aktiv när det gäller att slå ner på kryptobedrägerier och bedrägerier. Regulatorn nyligen lämnade in en stämningsansökan mot Do Kwon och Terraform Labs for wiping off $40 billion from the crypto industry using fake promises. The two allegedly orchestrated “a multi-billion dollar crypto asset securities fraud,” claims the regulator.
Dessutom SEC också bötfällda kryptobörsen Kaken runt $30 miljoner for providing staking services to US residents and failing “to register the offer and sale of their crypto asset staking-as-a-service program.” Crypto exchange Coinbase slog till mot regulatorn uppgav att dess stakingtjänster inte är värdepapper och de kommer att ta ärendet till domstolen om det behövs.