Federal domare avslår Dapper Labs yrkande om uppsägning
- Dapper Labs har 21 dagar på sig att svara på domen.
- Det har varit ett växande samtal om vilka digitala tillgångar som kvalificerar sig som värdepapper.
En federal domare styrde on Wednesday that Dapper Lab’s “NBA Top Shot Moments” qualify as securities as they meet the criteria under the United States security law. Judge Victor Marrero denied Dapper Labs CEO Roham Gharegozlou’s request to dismiss a class action lawsuit claiming that the company’s NBA Top Shot NFTs are securities.
Stämningen, som lämnades in för ett och ett halvt år sedan, hävdar att Gharegozlu och Dapper Labs erbjöd sin NFT-samling utan att först registrera sig hos US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), och därmed bryter mot federal värdepapperslagstiftning.
By denying Dapper Labs’ dismissal motion, Judge Marrero authorized the case to proceed. According to the court documents, the judge reviewed the Howey Test to assess if the NFTs met the criteria for an investment contract covered by U.S. securities laws before reaching a decision.
“The Court finds that Plaintiffs’ allegations render each consideration under Howey facially plausible and survive Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss the alleged violation of Sections 5 and 12 of the Securities Act,” the ruling read.
Judge Marreo ruled that Dapper Labs’ FLOW tokens, though not necessarily securities themselves, are “necessary to the totality of the scheme at issue.” The federal judge noted that “without FLOW tokens, no transactions on the Flow Blockchain can be validated.”
The ruling added that the “Proof-of-Stake’ mechanism employed by the Flow Blockchain requires FLOW to power it and incentivize miners to validate transactions. In that respect, FLOW’s utility creates value for Moments through the network’s consensus as to ownership and the price of each transaction.”
Judge Marreo, however, noted that “not all NFTs offered or sold by any company will constitute a security, and each scheme must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.”
Explaining Dapper Labs’ peculiarity, the ruling said,
Det är det speciella schemat genom vilket Dapper Labs erbjuder Moments som skapar den tillräckliga rättsliga relationen mellan investerare och promotor för att upprätta ett investeringskontrakt, och detta en säkerhet, under Howey.
Reacting to the ruling, a Dapper Labs spokesperson noted that Wednesday’s decision “only denied the defendant’s motion to dismiss the complaint.” The spokesperson claimed the ruling “did not conclude the plaintiffs were right, and it is not a final ruling on the merits of the case.”
Judge Marreo’s ruling is part of a larger discussion concerning whether different digital assets should be classified as securities. Earlier this month, the SEC meddelade att man nått en uppgörelse på $30 miljoner med kryptovalutabörsen Kraken över sina insatstjänster. Den amerikanska regeringen undersöker också traditionella Wall Street-investeringsrådgivare som tillhandahåller kundernas förvaring av digitala tillgångar utan att vara korrekt licensierade.
Dapper Labs har 21 dagar på sig att svara på domen.