Sam Bankman-Fried twierdzi, że czuje się spłukany i znienawidzony
- Sam Bankman-Fried utrzymywał, że zrobił to, co uważał za słuszne dla FTX.
- Były dyrektor generalny FTX twierdzi, że nie nadużywał środków klientów FTX.
- Bankman-Fried przebywa obecnie w więzieniu przed październikowym procesem.
Sam Bankman-Fried’s time under house arrest appears to have been spent reflecting on the events of the past few months. The former FTX CEO bared his emotions in a 250-page document he wrote while in his parents’ California home. The 31-year-old disgraced investor noted that he felt “broke” and “hated” and believes there is nothing he could do to improve the public’s unfavorable opinion of him.
Bankman-Fried’s personal writings were leaked by Tiffany Fong, who later wspólny ich z „New York Timesem”. Napisy miały rzekomo stanowić część wersji roboczej, którą były miliarder planował opublikować na platformie X (dawniej Twitterze).
Bankman-Fried’s draft covered different topics, including the legal team handling FTX’s bankruptcy case. In one of the drafts, Bankman-Fried reflected on his time at the failed exchange, claiming he “did what I thought was right.”
According to reports, the posts included private information regarding Bankman-Fried’s relationship with Caroline Ellison, who served as the CEO of Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried’s trading firm. The drafts claimed that Ellison rejected Bankman-Fried’s requests to cancel Alameda’s trading hedges, which led the FTX founder to respond with “the meanest thing I’ve ever said to her.”
Furthermore, Sam Bankman-Fried appeared to have pushed the blame for FTX’s collapse on some of his colleagues, especially Ellison. Authorities claim Bankman-Fried moved the exchange’s customer funds to Alameda Research to bolster its balance sheet after suffering significant losses from numerous unsuccessful trades.
Bankman-Fried napisał w swoim projekcie:
She continually avoided talking about risk management, dodging my suggestions until it was too late. […] Every time that I reached out with suggestions, it just made her feel worse. I’m sure that being exes didn’t help.
In another part of the leaked documents, Bankman-Fried claims he was unaware that Alameda was taking money from customers into an account dubbed “fiat@” until he overheard several of his staff members and Ellison discussing it months before FTX collapsed.
Sam Bankman-Fried został oskarżony o liczne przestępstwa, w tym oszustwa drogą elektroniczną, pranie pieniędzy, używanie gotówki klientów bez zezwolenia i naruszenie przepisów dotyczących finansowania kampanii. Były kryptomiliarder przebywa obecnie w więzieniu przed procesem, który odbędzie się w przyszłym miesiącu.
A federal judge recently revoked Bankman-Fried’s bail for manipulowanie świadkami. Mówi się, że były dyrektor generalny FTX ujawnił dokumenty dotyczące Ellisona, który ma zeznawać przeciwko Bankman-Friedowi.