Do Kwon In przez ciężkie chwile w więzieniu w Czarnogórze: raport
- Według obrońcy w sprawach karnych, Do Kwon czeka ciężki okres w czarnogórskim systemie więziennym, znanym z surowych warunków.
- Prawnik powiedział, że system więziennictwa pozostaje taki sam, jak ten wymieniony w raporcie dotyczącym praw człowieka z 2020 r. sporządzonym przez Departament Stanu USA.
- Prisons in Montenegro are known for their “poor conditions” due to being overcrowded and lacking in proper medical care for the inmates.
- The lawyer added that rooms in the prisons are “8 meters squared and very crowded,” and around 10 to 11 people are living together in a room.
- Do Kwon być może będzie musiał spędzić rok w czarnogórskich więzieniach, zanim zostanie poddany ekstradycji do Stanów Zjednoczonych w związku z decyzją w jego toczącej się sprawie w tym kraju.
Do Kwon, the mastermind behind the Terra ecosystem, which collapsed in May 2022, wiping off more than $40 billion from the global crypto market capitalization, was detained in Montenegro earlier this month and has been accused of defrauding investors. Interestingly, it seems that the conditions of the crypto entrepreneur are expected to worsen in the coming days, as a report claims that the creator of LUNC and USTC will face harsh conditions in the country’s penal system.
Według raport from Protos, a criminal defense lawyer who did not reveal their identity said that the country’s jail conditions and prisons remain the same as those mentioned in the 2020 human rights report by the United States State Department.
Raport również cytowane a case wherein prison officers were accused of torturing and “inflicting grievous bodily harm” on 11 inmates in 2015 and as a result, were convicted for the same. Do Kwon is destined to remain in the Montenegro prison for a significant amount of time while he awaits extradition to the US.
Further, some of the prisons in Montenegro are known for their “poor conditions” due to being overcrowded and lacking in proper medical care for the inmates. The US State Department cited reports from the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture, stating that a majority of prisoners were confined within overcrowded cell walls for 23 hours, and there were reports of violence between inmates as well.
W tym miejscu należy wspomnieć, że Do Kwon może grozić nawet rok więzienia w Czarnogórze, zanim zostanie poddany ekstradycji do USA. Jednak czas trwania zależy również od decyzji podjętej przez sędziego w jego sprawie w sprawie domniemanego użycia sfałszowanych dokumentów podróży w celu wjazdu do kraju.
“In the case when we receive several extradition requests, I would like to say that determining to which state they will be extradited is based on several factors like the severity of the committed criminal offense, the location and time when the criminal offense has been committed, the order in which we have received the request for extradition and several other factors,” powiedział Montenegrin Justice Minister Marko Kovač regarding the extradition of Do Kwon.
According to the Protos report, the lawyer added that rooms in the Montenegrin prisons are “8 meters squared and very crowded,” and around 10 to 11 people are living together in a room. Sometimes, there’s not even a bed in the prison cells.
Jak donosił wcześniej Bitnation, amerykańska Komisja Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (SEC) oficjalnie złożyła wniosek pozew przeciwko Do Kwon i Terraform Labs, accusing them of orchestrating “a multi-billion dollar crypto asset securities fraud.” The lawsuit stated that the two also marketed Anchor Protocol and misled investors with promises of high returns.
W 2022 roku token LUNA (obecnie znany jako LUNC) znalazł się w pierwszej dziesiątce kryptowalut na rynku kryptowalut, podczas gdy Anchor Protocol był protokołem DeFi z jednym z najwyższych TVL w przestrzeni kryptograficznej. Upadek ekosystemu Terra doprowadził do upadku platformy pożyczek kryptograficznych Celsius Network i kryptowalutowego funduszu hedgingowego Three Arrows Capital.