Dyrektor generalny Binance uważa, że inwestorzy przestawią się na stablecoiny inne niż USD
- Dyrektor generalny Binance, Changpeng Zhao, stwierdził, że branża kryptograficzna będzie stopniowo przechodzić na monety typu stablecoin bez dolara.
- CZ noted that dollar-backed stablecoins are “still important” as “most people’s costs are still in fiat currencies.”
- Przewidział, że branża będzie stopniowo polegać na innych walutach, takich jak euro, jen i dolar singapurski, aby tworzyć monety typu stablecoin.
- Zhao stated that algorithmic stablecoins will also have their place in the crypto market but cautioned that they are “inherently gonna have risks.”
The world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, had made headlines earlier this week when the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) wydał zawiadomienie Wellsa właścicielowi stablecoina BUSD, firmie Paxos. Co ciekawe, firma płatności blockchain z siedzibą w Nowym Jorku nie będzie już tworzyć i emitować stablecoina BUSD. Co ciekawe, dyrektor generalny Changpeng Zhao, znany również jako CZ w przestrzeni kryptograficznej, stwierdził, że branża będzie stopniowo przechodzić na nie-dolarowe monety typu stablecoin.
W Przestrzenie na Twitterze on Feb. 14, CZ stated that the crypto industry around the world will gradually move towards non-USD stablecoins. When asked a question about the crypto industry using gold as a standard of value instead of the US Dollar, the Binance executive stated that it “makes sense” to use gold while noting that most people determine their net worth and portfolio in fiat currencies like dollars.
CZ noted that dollar-backed stablecoins are “still important” as “most people’s costs are still in fiat currencies” and they calculate their returns in profit or loss in terms of fiat. However, the Binance co-founder believes that due to the recent actions taken by the US authorities against the existence of dollar-based stablecoins, the crypto industry will gradually rely on other currencies such as the Euro, Yen, and Singapore Dollar which will be used to back stablecoins.
“I think given the current pressure and current stances taken by the regulators on the US Dollar based stablecoins, I think that as you said the industry will probably move away to non US dollar based stablecoins[…]as a result of this we probably will see more euro based or other Japanese yen, Singapore dollar based stablecoins, so it’s actually prompted us to look for more options in different places,” said CZ.
Interestingly, Zhao stated that algorithmic stablecoins will also have their place in the crypto market in the near future but he cautioned that they are “inherently gonna have risks.” This can be confirmed from the collapse of several algorithmic stablecoins in 2022 like the UST, USDN, and others. The collapse of Terra was one of the biggest financial disasters around the globe.
The Binance CEO stated that the only way for algorithmic stablecoins to work is that the creators reveal the risks to the users in a transparent manner allowing them to “clearly decide what is going on” and make up their own minds about which stablecoins they want to add to their portfolio.
Te oświadczenia szefa Binance pojawiły się zaledwie dzień po tym, jak Paxos potwierdził, że przestanie emitować BUSD zgodnie z instrukcjami nowojorskiego Departamentu Usług Finansowych (NYDFS). Ponadto SEC stwierdziła również, że BUSD można uznać za niezarejestrowany papier wartościowy.
Paxos confirmed it would stop minting BUSD on February 21 and would follow the NYDFS’ directives. The blockchain infrastructure company noted that all existing BUSD tokens will be fully backed and redeemable through Paxos Trust until “at least February 2024.”
“Binance will continue to support BUSD for the foreseeable future. We do foresee users migrating to other stablecoins over time. And we will make product adjustments accordingly. eg, move away from using BUSD as the main pair for trading,” said CZ while adding that “we will be reviewing other projects in those jurisdictions to ensure our users are insulated from any undue harm,” said CZ in a wpis na Twitterze.