Vivek Ramaswamy critica le sanzioni statunitensi contro i mixer crittografici
- Il candidato presidenziale repubblicano Vivek Ramaswamy ha presentato il quadro della politica crittografica il 16 novembre.
- The American entrepreneur’s “The Three Freedoms of Crypto” comes in support of blockchain developers.
- He argued that smart contract coders shouldn’t face punishment for the wrongdoings of the code’s users.
- Ramaswamy also noted that crypto mixers are protected by the US Constitution’s First Amendment.
Vivek Ramaswamy, imprenditore americano e candidato presidenziale per le elezioni americane del 2024, ha criticato duramente il trattamento dei mixer crittografici da parte dell'amministrazione Joe Biden. Il candidato repubblicano è un grande sostenitore di Bitcoin e di altri asset digitali e ha presentato un quadro di politica crittografica il 16 novembre al North American Blockchain Summit (NABS) a Fort Worth, in Texas.
La nuova politica, intitolato “The Three Freedoms of Crypto,” states that the developers of the smart contract code should not be punished for the crimes committed by those who use the smart contract code. Vivek Ramaswamy added that cryptocurrency mixers are protected by the US Constitution’s First Amendment.
“I believe that code is a form of speech and is protected by the First Amendment. So, when you take an example, like the case brought against the Tornado Cash folks, for example, put aside the specifics of whether what was done is right or wrong. You can’t go after the developers of code. What you actually need to implement is going after individual bad actors that are breaking the laws that already exist on the books,” he said.
Vivek Ramaswamy promised to “direct government prosecutors to prosecute bad actors, not the code they use and not the developers who write that code,” while adding that if he becomes the president of the US, he will provide regulatory clarity by giving new digital assets “safe harbor” exemptions from the securities laws for a period of time after their debut and to prevent any federal agency from creating rules that limit the use of self-hosted wallets.
The Republican also criticized the recent sanctions against crypto mixer Tornado Cash noting, “the case brought against the Tornado Cash folks, for example. […] You can’t go after the developers of code.” It is crucial to note that US prosecutors arrestato i cofondatori di Tornado Cash, Roman Storm e Roman Semenov in agosto. I due sono stati accusati di aver violato le sanzioni e di aver riciclato centinaia di milioni di dollari per conto del Lazarus Group, un gruppo di hacker nordcoreano.
Come riportato in precedenza da Bitnation, Elon Musk, fondatore e CEO di Tesla e SpaceX, ha elogiato Vivek Ramaswamy, aggiungendo: “He is a very promising candidate.”