I pubblici ministeri statunitensi sostengono che le accuse contro SBF sono valide
- US prosecutors dismissed Bankman-Fried’s claims as meritless.
- Bankman-Fried ha citato irregolarità procedurali nella sua richiesta di archiviazione delle accuse.
- Gli esperti legali ritengono che sarà difficile far cadere le accuse contro Bankman-Fried.
In tribunale limatura da lunedì, i pubblici ministeri statunitensi hanno confermato le loro affermazioni secondo cui le accuse penali contro Sam Bankman-Fried, comprese le domande sulla sua estradizione negli Stati Uniti e i reati di finanziamento della campagna elettorale, sono valide. Il 31enne fondatore di FTX ed ex miliardario di criptovaluta ha dichiarato non colpevole a 13 conteggi di cospirazione, frode, corruzione straniera e violazione delle leggi sul finanziamento della campagna elettorale.
Earlier this month, Bankman-Fried’s defense asked U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan to dismiss most of the counts, claiming that prosecutors charged him in a “rush to judgment” after a series of disasters in the crypto market that saw the collapse of several top crypto companies, including his own companies FTX and Alameda Research.
Bankman-Fried’s lawyers demanded the dismissal of the charges against him, citing procedural irregularities, and the scope of U.S. laws since FTX operates outside of the US. Bankman-Fried’s lawyers further claimed the charges filed by US prosecutors had gone beyond the limits of the extradition agreement.
Prosecutors labeled Bankman-Fried’s claims “meritless.” Responding to Bankman-Fried’s argument that the Bahamas must approve any charges prior to extradition, US prosecutors argued that the extradition agreement with the Bahamas allows post-extradition charges with the permission of the extraditing country.
I pubblici ministeri hanno scritto,
The indictment sufficiently alleges that the defendant and his co-conspirators made false and misleading representations to lenders relating to Alameda’s financial condition. No more specificity is required.
Bankman-Fried deve affrontare molteplici accuse, una delle quali accusa l'ex CEO di FTX di aver violato il Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) offrendo $40 milioni ai funzionari cinesi in cambio della loro collaborazione allo sblocco dei conti. Bankman-Fried aveva precedentemente ammesso che FTX disponeva di sistemi di gestione del rischio inadeguati, ma ha negato di aver rubato fondi come affermato.
Legal professionals believe that Bankman-Fried has little chance of having the charges dropped because the prosecution can show that his clients actually lost money. Prior to FTX’s collapse, Bankman-Fried had a solid reputation as one of the crypto billionaires and philanthropic donors.
However, his fortune and reputation crashed last November after FTX filed for bankruptcy protection and news emerged of the poor management structures at the exchange. He was later extradited to the US from the Bahamas and has remained under house arrest at his parents’ Palo Alto, California, home under a $250 million bond.