USA:s distriktsdomare Analisa Torres gjorde det klart att Hinman Speech Documents kommer att offentliggöras i fallet Ripple vs. SEC.

Ripple vinner i domstolen efter att domaren nekat SEC:s yrkande om att försegla dokument

  • USA:s distriktsdomare Analisa Torres gjorde det klart att Hinman Speech Documents kommer att offentliggöras i fallet Ripple vs. SEC.
  • Hinman Speech Documents anses vara en viktig del av rättegången av Ripple och VD Brad Garlinghouse. 
  • The motion from the SEC to seal the documents as it believes that they have “no relevance” in the case has been dismissed.
  • Garlinghouse kallade detta evenemang en seger för transparens och uppgav att dokumenten snart kommer att offentliggöras.

The battle between Ripple and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been going on for a number of years, and one of the earlier blockchain projects has full faith that it is going to win the case, according to the firm’s executives. Interestingly, a win was handed over to the company in court after United States District Judge Analisa Torres made it clear on May 16 that the documents that the SEC wants sealed will be made public, but with some conditions. 

The documents related to the former Securities and Exchange Commission corporation finance division director, William Hinman, have been allowed to be made public after Judge Torres declined the SEC’s motion, a move that is seen as a win for Ripple and the crypto industry. In a July 2018 speech, the former director uppgav that Ether (ETH), the world’s second-largest crypto coin and the native token of the Ethereum blockchain, is not a security. 

In December 2022, the United States regulator filed a motion to seal the internal emails, text messages, and expert reports that followed the speech from Hinman, a move that was seen as an attempt to hide the truth by the crypto community. The agency noted that its mission outweighs the “public’s right” to have access to documents that have “no relevance” to the court’s judgment. 

Domare Torres håller inte med with the SEC and stated that the Hinman documents might prove to be substantial in the case with Ripple while adding that they are “judicial documents” and subject to a strong presumption of public access. She further stated that the documents “would reasonably have the tendency to influence [the Court’s] ruling on a motion.” 

The CEO of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, expressed his appreciation of the judgment given by Judge Torres, calling it a win for “transparency,” while adding that unredacted Hinman emails will be publicly available soon.

The court document reads that “the vast majority of the SEC’s expert reports and investor declarants’ statements—including all material relevant to the Court’s decision on the motions for summary judgment—will be part of the public record,” while noting:

“The Hinman Speech Documents are not protected by the deliberative process privilege because they do not relate to an agency position, decision, or policy.”

Domstolen beslutade att Hinman Speech Documents skulle offentliggöras men gick med på de andra kraven från SEC, inklusive redaktionen av namn och identitetsinformation för SEC-experter och XRP-investerares deklaranter och borttagning av personlig och finansiell information från de tilltalade, dvs Ripple.

On the other hand, the judge also denied certain motions asking for the sealing of certain documents from Ripple, including references linking the company’s revenues with sales of the XRP token and the amount of compensation offered to trading platforms, etc. The blockchain payments company considers the Hinman Speech Documents a crucial part of its battle with the SEC, which claims that the XRP token is a security and that the company violated US securities laws.

Som rapporterats tidigare av Bitnation har Ripple samlat stöd från kryptogemenskapen, och officiellt har 12 utvecklare, företag, investerare och börser kommit fram enligt Garlinghouse. 

Several of these individuals and groups have filed amicus briefs, which are legal documents filed in an appeal case to provide a court with extra relevant details. Brad claimed that the briefs, in their own ways, explained “the irreparable harm the SEC will do to every facet of the US crypto economy if it gets its way.”

Parth Dubey
Parth Dubey Verifierad författare

En kryptojournalist med över 3 års erfarenhet av DeFi, NFT, metaverse etc. Parth har arbetat med stora medier inom krypto- och finansvärlden och har skaffat sig erfarenhet och expertis inom kryptokultur efter att ha överlevt björn- och tjurmarknader genom åren.

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