Bankman-Fried-filer för att kontrollera $450 miljoner beslagtagna av DOJ
- Bankman-Fried erkände sig oskyldig till alla anklagelser och kommer att åtalas senare i år.
- Bankman-Fried’s assets have been fiercely contested among different companies, including the new FTX management.
Embattled FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s lawyers have submitted a vädjan to keep his 56 million shares of the Robinhood trading app, which are currently valued at $450 million. SBF’s attorneys claim that the 30-year-old needs some of this cash to cover the cost of his criminal defense.
The statement also asked the court to deny demands by debtors to access the funds on the grounds that they had failed to demonstrate their entitlement to the funds as a relief. The legal team acknowledged reports that the US Department of Justice was in the process of seizing the shares, but claimed that considering the stakes involved with the assets, SBF was “compelled to reply.”
Enligt anmälan,
Mr. Bankman-Fried har inte funnits straffrättsligt eller civilrättsligt ansvarig för bedrägeri, och det är olämpligt för FTX-gäldenärer att be domstolen att helt enkelt anta att allt som Mr. Bankman-Fried någonsin rört är presumtivt bedrägligt. FTX-gäldenärerna har inte visat att de har en rimlig sannolikhet att få framgång på grundval av ett bedrägligt överföringskrav.
According to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Bankman-Fried acquired his 7.6% stake in Robinhood through his holding firm, Emergent Fidelity Technologies, for an estimated $600 million. Interestingly, a number of companies, including cryptocurrency broker BlockFi, as well as the new management of FTX, are in a battle to control Bankman-Fried’s remaining assets.
Due to the competition for the assets, the new FTX management requested in a filing that the assets “should be frozen until this Court can resolve the issues in a manner that is fair to all creditors of the Debtors.” BlockFi claims that a previous agreement pledged the assets to it.
Förra månaden, Bankman-Fried hävdade he had lost his fortune and was left with $100,000 left in his bank account. Things have progressed quickly since then and the former billionaire could be set for a long legal battle. The prosecution of the FTX founder, who has pleaded not guilty to all charges, is scheduled to start in October. A federal judge also restricted Bankman-Fried’s access to and transfer of funds as a condition of his release on bond.