FTX-grundaren SBF är nere på sin sista $100 000: Rapport

  • Enligt grundaren av FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, som en gång var värd mer än $26 miljarder, hade hans bankkonto $100K senast han kontrollerade det.
  • The collapse of SBF’s exchange wiped off multi-billion dollars from his wealth as well as the crypto industry due to the collapse of the FTX Token (FTT), which was ranked in the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market cap.
  • SBF believes that if the regulators had placed more oversight and implement strict policies in the crypto industry, the implosion of his exchange could’ve been prevented.
  • The former FTX CEO added that he wishes he focused more on positions for balances rather than on volumes and was more careful with customers’ funds.

Grundaren och tidigare VD:n för den skamliga kryptoutbytesplattformen, FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, även känd som SBF i kryptorymden, har förlorat hela sitt nettovärde. Kryptopersonligheten var en gång värt mer än $26 miljarder och är nu nere på sina sista $100 000, enligt en rapport. Detta kommer bara några veckor efter att hans utbyte ansökte om skydd från borgenärer under kapitel 11-konkurs.

SBF, som påståenden att den minut som hans börs ansökte om konkurs, kom en potentiell investerare med miljarder i finansiering, såg en enorm ökning av sitt nettoförmögenhet sedan starten av FTX 2019 och sedan dess har plattformen fortsatt att uppnå en värdering av $32 miljarder i en finansieringsrunda ledd av Softbank och Sequoia Capital, två av de största riskkapitalföretagen inom krypto- och teknikområdet.

Enligt Axios, Bankman-Fried’s net worth has collapsed significantly following the collapse of FTX and now, he is down to his last $100K. In a statement given to Axios on Monday via a telephonic interview, SBF stated that the last time he checked, he had $100K left in his bank account as his multi-billion dollar empire came crashing down at once.

“Am I allowed to say a negative number?” Bankman-Fried said, when asked about his personal finances. “I mean, I have no idea. I don’t know. I had $100,000 in my bank account last I checked,” he added.

Meanwhile, he tied his personal wealth collapse with FTX’s implosion stating that he had all his money tied and invested in the exchange.

“It’s complicated. Basically everything I had was just tied up in the company,” stated the former CEO and founder of FTX.

On the other hand, Bankman-Fried believes that the implosion of his exchange could’ve been prevented if regulators were more active and had imposed regulation and proper oversight to prevent such collapses in the crypto space.

“I think one thing is… if you looked at the reporting, and CFTC applications, that would have been extremely helpful here on international rigor,” said the founder of FTX.

SBF said that if he would’ve been more careful and focused on positions for balances rather than on volumes, FTX would be still operational and the people who lost their money wouldn’t be in the position they are in.

Tillsammans med hans nettovärde utplånades miljarder dollar från kryptoutrymmet på grund av kollapsen av kryptobörsen $32 miljarder dollar och dess inhemska token, FTT, som rankades bland de 20 största kryptovalutorna i branschen.

Parth Dubey
Parth Dubey Verifierad författare

En kryptojournalist med över 3 års erfarenhet av DeFi, NFT, metaverse etc. Parth har arbetat med stora medier inom krypto- och finansvärlden och har skaffat sig erfarenhet och expertis inom kryptokultur efter att ha överlevt björn- och tjurmarknader genom åren.

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