Założyciele Gala Games milczą w sprawie skradzionych środków o wartości $130M
- Gala Games’ founders filed a lawsuit against one another in a Utah District Court on August 31.
- Obaj dyrektorzy oskarżają się nawzajem o marnotrawstwo korporacyjne i kradzież z portfeli $130 milionów.
- Wright Turston oskarżył Erica Schiermeyera o prowadzenie firmy bez udziału Thurstona, dyrektora firmy.
- Thurston has been accused of stealing $130M in a “complex web of obfuscatory transactions.”
Współzałożyciele Gala Games, platformy gier Web3 i blockchain, wdali się w spór w związku z dwoma odrębnymi procesami sądowymi, z których jeden dotyczy kradzieży tokenów GALA o wartości blisko $130 milionów, a drugi dotyczy marnotrawstwa korporacyjnego. Token do gier uległ awarii prawie 9% w ciągu ostatnich kilku godzin po tym, jak współzałożyciele wdali się w walkę w sądzie.
It is important to note that the co-founders of Gala Games, Wright Thurston and Eric Schiermeyer, filed a lawsuit against one another on August 31 in a Utah District Court. Interestingly, the gaming firm’s CEO, Schiermeyer, rzekomy za które na początku 2021 r. odpowiadał Thurston i jego firma inwestycyjna True North United Investments kradzież close to $130 million worth of a token tied to the gaming firm’s ecosystem.
Schiermeyer claims that Thurston moved the tokens to a wallet that was under the firm’s control, and later, the tokens were transferred to 43 other wallets by Thurston. When the CEO confronted Thurston regarding the movements, he stated that he was holding the tokens in his wallet for safety purposes.
The lawsuit pointed out that the tokens were moved from the wallets and exchanged or sold in a “complex web of obfuscatory transactions” between September 2022 and May 2023. Interestingly, the lawsuit added that Thurston first did not acknowledge the presence of the tokens, while later adding that the Tokeny GALI należał do niego.
On the other hand, Thurston is also accused of having stolen licenses to run Gala ecosystem nodes, selling the licenses, and keeping the proceeds. On the very same day, Thurston’s True North wniesiony a lawsuit against Schiermeyer, adding that he caused Gala to “sell off and waste millions of dollars in company assets” and lent millions of the firm’s funds to himself for personal purchases.
Interestingly, Schiermeyer is accused of operating the gaming platform without input from Thurston, who is a director at the firm, while giving incomplete or incorrect information and corporate records to Thurston “despite repeated requests.”