Wykonawcy FTX są podobno najpierw opłacani: oto fakty
- FTX przetwarza wypłaty, ale tylko dla adresów, które wydają się podejrzane i wygląda na to, że te adresy są używane do ukrywania osobowości osób za nimi.
- Użytkownicy Twittera twierdzą, że giełda w pierwszej kolejności opłaca swoich pracowników i wiceprezesów, a nie przetwarza wypłaty użytkowników.
- Sam Bankman-Fried stwierdził, że pierwszą i najważniejszą kwestią dla wymiany jest przetwarzanie wypłat użytkowników i potwierdził, że prowadzi rozmowy z kilkoma osobami.
FTX crypto exchange announced that it wasn’t liquid anymore and a crisis had engulfed the exchange, which meant that the users couldn’t process withdrawals anymore. This announcement came as a shock to every user of the once-second-biggest crypto exchange in the blockchain space. Interestingly, almost every executive at the Bahamas-based firm, including the CEO and co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried stated that their firm was liquid a few days ago while the situation did not seem like it.
The executives at the exchange asked users not to withdraw funds from the platform as everything was safe and sound despite Binance’s announcement that it would sell FTX Tokens (FTT) worth billions, hinting at the possibility of a strong crash. This led to people immediately taking money out of their platform, and a record $5 billion was withdrawn from the exchange on Sunday, as noted by Bankman-Fried, also called SBF in the crypto space.
Jednak według Jasona Choi, współzałożyciela Tangent i założyciela Blockcrunch, kierownictwo, w tym wiceprezesi i inni informatorzy, są pierwszymi, którym się opłaca, i obecnie wypełniają swoje torby. Chociaż wypłaty nie są obecnie przetwarzane w FTX, Choi zwrócił uwagę, że tak nie było i kilka osób zgłosiło wypływy z giełdy.
Choi further pointed out that the withdrawals are being made to addresses that are quite “fishy.” While a number of these addresses look like “clean” addresses, it seems that these blockchain addresses are being used “deliberately to obfuscate any linkage to real individuals,” according to Choi, who has been in the crypto space for a considerable amount of time.
Autor bestsellerowej książki, Nik Patel, wskazany that around $200,000 were sent to an address that’s interacted with other exchanges but not FTX but nothing in over 500 days. This is strange considering the fact that in the last 500 days, the crypto market has been increasingly volatile and almost every crypto coin has either made significant strides, or collapsed completely like LUNC.
“I don’t think I believe in coincidences anymore after what happened. My hunch is that VIPs/insiders are being paid off first as many employees – many of whom were publicly asking people to not withdraw – had their assets stored on FTX,” Choi added.
Many other people also pointed out the fact that FTX is paying employees first despite Bankman-Fried apologizing and stating that he plans to “rób dobrze przez użytkowników.”
Sam Choi ma fundusze na FTX i nie wierzy w nic bez dowodów.
“For now, not believing a single word until I have evidence. I have initiated withdrawals since the 8th and will keep Twitter posted if any of them are processed – then I’ll know it’s real,”Choi said.