I senatori statunitensi interrogano i regolatori sui legami bancari con le società crittografiche
- I senatori statunitensi Elizabeth Warren e Tina Smith hanno recentemente criticato il crollo dell'exchange di criptovalute, FTX e la più ampia industria delle criptovalute.
- I legislatori temono che la mancanza di supervisione normativa nei legami tra banche e società crittografiche possa avere conseguenze a lungo termine.
- La commissione bancaria del Senato ha fissato un'udienza sul crollo di FTX per il 14 dicembre. Tuttavia, il presidente della commissione Sherrod Brown ha minacciato di emettere un mandato di comparizione se Bankman-Fried non si presentasse volontariamente.
Il crollo dell'exchange di criptovalute FTX ha aperto nuove discussioni negli Stati Uniti sui legami tra le banche e l'industria delle criptovalute. Le senatrici statunitensi Elizabeth Warren e Tina Smith, entrambe membri del Senate Banking Committee, ha scritto al presidente della Federal Reserve Jerome Powell, al controllore ad interim della valuta Michael Hsu e al presidente ad interim della Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Martin Gruenberg sugli stretti legami delle istituzioni finanziarie negli Stati Uniti con le criptovalute.
Both lawmakers are concerned about such relationships in the absence of concrete regulatory oversight in the industry. The Democrat senators quizzed Powell on how the Federal Reserve “assesses the risks to banks and the banking system.” The lawmakers claimed it had become clear that “crypto firms may have closer ties to the banking system than previously understood.”
The senators cited stories that suggested links between FTX and the Moonstone Bank, as well as between Tether and the Bahamas-based Deltec Bank. According to the letter,
Banks’ relationships with crypto firms raise questions about the safety and soundness of our banking system and highlight potential loopholes that crypto firms may try to exploit to gain further access to banks.
Both lawmakers have strongly criticized the collapse of FTX and the broader crypto industry. The senators requested information from Powell, Hsu, and Gruenberg on how they plan to probe the ties between crypto businesses and banks as well as a list of financial institutions that are currently involved in crypto-related operations. The heads of each agency were given until December 21 to respond.