Coinbase ha intentato un'azione legale per costringere la SEC a rispondere alla sua petizione normativa del luglio 2022 e fornire chiarezza all'industria delle criptovalute. 

Coinbase cerca la risposta della SEC alla petizione di regolamentazione e avvia un'azione legale

  • La SEC deve ancora rispondere a una petizione del luglio 2022 dell'exchange di criptovalute Coinbase che chiedeva chiarezza normativa per le criptovalute.
  • L'exchange ha intentato un'azione legale costringendo la SEC a rispondere alla petizione normativa e fornire chiarezza all'industria delle criptovalute. 
  • Coinbase condemned the SEC’s “enforcement-first” move towards crypto regulation without putting proper guidelines in its 2022 petition.
  • Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal said that more than 1,700 firms and corporate entities have submitted comments to the exchange’s petition.
  • He said that the Administrative Procedure Act requires the SEC to respond to the exchange’s rulemaking petition “within a reasonable time.”

There has been a constant back-and-forth struggle between the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the largest crypto exchange in the US, Coinbase. The company claims that the regulator is taking an “enforcement-first” approach to regulation without clear guidelines and a regulatory framework. On the other hand, the SEC has yet to respond to a July 2022 petition by the crypto exchange seeking regulatory clarity for crypto assets. 

Coinbase ha depositato a azione giudiziaria in a United States federal court in an attempt to “force” the SEC to respond to the petition that was submitted by the crypto exchange in July 2022 following the onset of the crypto market collapse and the bankruptcies of many crypto-focused companies. Interestingly, the regulator has yet to acknowledge this petition. 

Nel petizione filed in 2022, Coinbase condemned the SEC’s “enforcement-first” move towards crypto regulation without putting proper guidelines in place for companies to follow. Furthermore, the company seeks a “yes or no” response to a July 2022 petition wherein the exchange asked the regulator over 50 questions, all related to the regulation of digital assets.

Le domande sono ampie nello spazio e coprono una serie di argomenti. Coinbase ha posto varie domande all'exchange di criptovalute, inclusa la metodologia che utilizza per classificare le risorse crittografiche come titoli insieme alla presenza di requisiti tecnicamente impossibili da implementare per le società di criptovalute nelle loro attività. 

Coinbase stated in the petition that it believes that “appropriately tailored regulation is essential to encouraging capital formation in the digital asset industry, protecting digital asset customers and investors, and facilitating the wider adoption of digital asset technology,” while adding:

“We do not currently trade or facilitate trading in digital asset securities because of a lack of clear and workable regulation. But we would consider doing so through our SEC-registered securities broker-dealer subsidiaries once rules are in place that can accommodate the technological manner in which digital asset securities would be offered, sold, traded, custodied, and cleared.”

The court action from Coinbase was accompanied by a blog post authored by the company’s Chief Legal Officer, Paul Grewal, who stated that the Administrative Procedure Act requires the SEC to respond to the exchange’s rulemaking petition “within a reasonable time.”

According to the Coinbase executive, more than 1,700 firms and corporate entities have submitted comments to exchange’s petition “echoing the request for clarity” from the SEC. Meanwhile, the regulator has doubled its crypto enforcement unit in attempts to crack down on several crypto companies.

“If the SEC says no to our rulemaking petition, which it has the right to do, then Coinbase would be allowed to challenge that decision in court and explain in that formal setting why rulemaking is required,” Grewal noted.

Grewal ha affermato che fino a quando l'industria delle criptovalute non avrà la chiarezza che merita, Coinbase continuerà la sua lotta con i regolatori. È importante menzionare qui che l'exchange di criptovalute guidato dal CEO Brian Armstrong è l'unico exchange di criptovalute pubblico negli Stati Uniti e sta pianificando di trasferirsi negli Stati Uniti secondo recenti rapporti. 

Di recente, l'exchange di criptovalute Gemini ha anche annunciato i suoi piani per spostarsi al di fuori degli Stati Uniti e concentrarsi su altre regioni del mondo, inclusa l'Asia. L'azienda aprì un ufficio a Gurgaon, in India e prevede di assumere anche talenti dal paese.

Parte Dubey
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Un giornalista crittografico con oltre 3 anni di esperienza in DeFi, NFT, metaverse, ecc. Parth ha lavorato con i principali media nel mondo crittografico e finanziario e ha acquisito esperienza e competenza nella cultura crittografica dopo essere sopravvissuto ai mercati ribassisti e rialzisti nel corso degli anni.

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