Binance annonce son retour sur le marché belge
- Binance a quitté le marché belge en juin mais a annoncé son intention de faire appel à une entité polonaise pour proposer ses services.
- La FSMA a demandé à Binance de n'embarquer que les utilisateurs qui acceptent d'utiliser sa filiale polonaise.
- Binance affirme que son unité polonaise se conformera également aux lois locales.
Two months after exiting the Belgian market, Binance has announced that its Belgian users can once again access its services. Belgium’s Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) ordered Binance to exit the country in June since it was not permitted to provide services to Belgians from outside the European Economic Area (EEA). However, Binance appears to have found a way to remedy the situation and continue to serve its Belgian customers.
As per a new announcement, Belgium users will now be directed through Binance’s Polish entity to access its services. In a statement released on August 28, Binance stated that Binance Poland sp. z o. o., a company registered with Polish authorities, would adhere to regulatory obligations for Belgian users seeking its services. Binance also noted that some users might be required to provide paperwork in accordance with the Know Your Customer regulations for Poland.
L'échange crypto a écrit dans un article de blog,
Binance pourra continuer à servir les utilisateurs belges dans le respect des exigences réglementaires locales. Binance Pologne est en mesure de fournir des services d'échange et de garde de cryptomonnaies conformément à son enregistrement en tant que fournisseur de services d'actifs virtuels (VASP) en Pologne.
Interestingly, the FSMA, in a statement, noted that there was no obstacle to Binance’s plans to operate via a Polish entity. However, the regulator emphasized the limited control the Polish authorities had over the exchange.
Le régulateur a déclaré dans son déclaration,
The FSMA has taken note of Binance’s decision to stop providing any services from a third country (outside the European Economic Area) and to offer its Belgian clients the option of working with Binance Poland. Under Belgian law, there is no obstacle to services being offered in Belgium by Binance Poland.
The FSMA further stated that “the transfer of clients to Binance Poland be subject to an individual agreement with each of the clients concerned.” However, users who do not agree to use the Polish entity will have to consent to being transferred to another subsidiary within the EEA.
Binance’s operations expand into different nations via ses filiales. Cependant, la plateforme de trading a été confrontée à plusieurs problèmes réglementaires au cours des derniers mois. L’échange de crypto-monnaie a cessé de servir les utilisateurs néerlandais en juillet, invoquant son incapacité à obtenir une licence en tant que fournisseur de services d’actifs virtuels. Binance a également retiré sa demande de licence en Allemagne.
En outre, la Securities and Exchange Commission des États-Unis a également déposé une plainte contre Binance, son PDG, Changpeng Zhao, et Binance.US.