Binance anuncia su regreso al mercado belga
- Binance salió del mercado belga en junio, pero anunció planes de utilizar una entidad polaca para ofrecer sus servicios.
- La FSMA ha pedido a Binance que solo incorpore a usuarios que acepten utilizar su filial polaca.
- Binance afirma que su unidad polaca también cumplirá con las leyes locales.
Two months after exiting the Belgian market, Binance has announced that its Belgian users can once again access its services. Belgium’s Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) ordered Binance to exit the country in June since it was not permitted to provide services to Belgians from outside the European Economic Area (EEA). However, Binance appears to have found a way to remedy the situation and continue to serve its Belgian customers.
As per a new announcement, Belgium users will now be directed through Binance’s Polish entity to access its services. In a statement released on August 28, Binance stated that Binance Poland sp. z o. o., a company registered with Polish authorities, would adhere to regulatory obligations for Belgian users seeking its services. Binance also noted that some users might be required to provide paperwork in accordance with the Know Your Customer regulations for Poland.

El intercambio de cifrado escribió en un entrada en el blog,
Binance podrá seguir prestando servicios a los usuarios belgas de conformidad con los requisitos reglamentarios locales. Binance Polonia puede proporcionar servicios de custodia y de intercambio de criptomonedas de acuerdo con su registro como proveedor de servicios de activos virtuales (VASP) en Polonia.
Interestingly, the FSMA, in a statement, noted that there was no obstacle to Binance’s plans to operate via a Polish entity. However, the regulator emphasized the limited control the Polish authorities had over the exchange.
El regulador dijo en su declaración,
The FSMA has taken note of Binance’s decision to stop providing any services from a third country (outside the European Economic Area) and to offer its Belgian clients the option of working with Binance Poland. Under Belgian law, there is no obstacle to services being offered in Belgium by Binance Poland.
The FSMA further stated that “the transfer of clients to Binance Poland be subject to an individual agreement with each of the clients concerned.” However, users who do not agree to use the Polish entity will have to consent to being transferred to another subsidiary within the EEA.
Binance’s operations expand into different naciones a través de sus filiales. Sin embargo, la plataforma comercial se ha enfrentado a varios problemas regulatorios en los últimos meses. El intercambio de criptomonedas dejó de prestar servicios a los usuarios holandeses en julio, citando la incapacidad de obtener una licencia como proveedor de servicios de activos virtuales. Binance también retiró su solicitud de licencia en Alemania.
Además, la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores de EE. UU. también presentó una denuncia contra Binance, su director ejecutivo, Changpeng Zhao, y Binance.US.