Binance, Reuters'in Son Raporda 'Kritik Gerçekleri' Kaçırdığını İddia Ediyor
- Reuters, 2021'den beri 190 Binance hesabının terör grupları Hamas ve İslam Devleti ile bağlantıları nedeniyle İsrail tarafından ele geçirildiğini iddia ediyor.
- Israel’s NBCTF said that it confiscated the accounts on Binance to “thwart the activity” of Islamic State and “impair its ability to further its goals.”
- The exchange claims that the authors of the Reuters report are “deliberately leaving out critical facts” related to the matter.
- “It’s important to clarify that bad actors don’t register accounts under the names of their criminal enterprises,” Binance said.
The struggle between the world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, and renowned media outlet Reuters is well known to the crypto community, and it is also a fact that many believe that the crypto exchange is being wrongfully accused by the media outlet in its reports. On the other hand, multiple reports from Reuters claim that the leading crypto firm does not comply with laws and is negligent when it comes to KYC rules and regulations.
yakın zamanda bildiri, Reuters claimed that around 190 accounts on Binance have been seized by Israeli authorities since 2021 due to some of them being linked to the terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic State. Citing the documents released by the country’s counter-terror authorities, the Reuters report claims that two accounts and their contents were confiscated on January 12.
Israel’s National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) stated on its website that it confiscated the accounts on Binance to “thwart the activity” of Islamic State and “impair its ability to further its goals.” It is important to mention here that the document did not mention the amount of crypto that was seized nor how the accounts were connected to Islamic State.
Medya kuruluşu, Binance'in makaleyi yayınlamadan önce Perşembe günü aramalarına ve e-postalarına yanıt vermediğini iddia ediyor. Ancak makale yayınlandıktan sonra borsa belirtilmiş that Reuters was “deliberately leaving out critical facts.” The crypto trading platform claims that it has been “working closely with international counter-terrorism authorities” on the seizures.
“With regard to the specific organizations mentioned in the article, it’s important to clarify that bad actors don’t register accounts under the names of their criminal enterprises,” Binance said, while adding:
“Our policies and processes comply with AMLD5/6 anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing requirements, and we have a robust compliance program that incorporates sophisticated anti-money laundering and global sanctions principles and tools to detect and address suspicious activity. We even have specialists on our team who have focused their entire careers on counter-terrorism.”
Binance ayrıca, Reuters makalesinin yazarları Tom Wilson ve Angus Berwick'in borsada birkaç kez çekim yaptıklarını ancak raporlarının her birinde kritik gerçekleri dışarıda bıraktıklarını da sözlerine ekledi.
Ekim 2022'de Wilson ve Berwick bir bildiri after gathering secret information from “30 former employees, advisers, and business partners and a review of thousands of company messages, emails, and documents dated between 2017 and early 2022.” The report stated that Binance executives, along with its co-founder and CEO Changpeng Zhao, devised methods to “insulate” themselves from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Borsa, çeşitli kuruluşlardan da çok sayıda suçlamayla karşı karşıya kaldı. Bitnation tarafından daha önce bildirildiği üzere, Binance, Changpeng Zhao ve üç etkileyici $1 milyarlık bir davada adı geçen kayıt dışı menkul kıymetlerin tanıtımını yaptıkları iddiasıyla. Ek olarak, raporlar borsanın Çin ile olan bağlarını gizlediğini iddia ediyor ve yöneticilerin defalarca personele emirler verdiğini ekliyor. cover up the firm’s Chinese presence.
Öte yandan, kripto para borsasının ABD kolu Binance US, bölgedeki müşterilerini desteklemek için bankacılık ortaklıkları kuramadı. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) ve Signature Bank'ın son zamanlardaki başarısızlıkları, ABD'nin önde gelen borsasını ortaksız bıraktı.