
Turkiet beslagtar tillgångar som tillhör Sam Bankman-Fried

  • Officials in Turkey believe Sam Bankman-Fried mishandled users’ funds and manipulated the market.
  • FTX’s collapse was a mixture of a leadership crisis and a run on the bank.

Myndigheter i Turkiet ska ha beslagtagit tillgångar som tillhörde tidigare FTX-vd:n Sam Bankman-Fried efter börsens kollaps. Bannkman-Fried har varit föremål för flera undersökningar i olika länder sedan FTX ansökte om konkurs.

Det turkiska finans- och finansministeriet släppte ett uttalande som noterade att det hade inlett en utredning om bedrägerikrav mot 30-åriga Sam Bankman-Fried. Regeringen utreder FTX såväl som andra enheter kopplade till börsen, såsom finansiella institutioner och företag som tillhandahåller kryptotjänster.

The Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK), a division of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, is in charge of both investigations, which were initiated in accordance with the nation’s anti-money laundering regulations.

MASAK said it concluded that FTX mishandled user funds, embezzled money from clients through dubious business dealings, and manipulated supply and demand by allowing users to trade listed cryptocurrencies that were not backed by real crypto holdings. In light of these discoveries, MASAK said it confiscated the assets of Bankman-Fried and some of his associates after establishing a reasonable “criminal suspicion” over the aforementioned facts.

FTX’s attorneys recently förklarade how the vast empire built by Sam Bankman-Fried was brought to its knees in a matter of days during a court hearing on Tuesday. They painted a picture of a corporation rife with instability and poor management. James Bromley, an attorney for FTX, said the exchange’s collapse was “one of the most abrupt and difficult collapses in the history of corporate America.”

At its peak, FTX was one of the most well-known crypto exchanges worldwide, and just a few weeks ago, everything seemed fine. But the vast company was reduced to dust in a matter of hours and filed for bankruptcy on November 11. The crypto exchange is currently exploring how to sell off assets, make payments to clients, and satisfy creditors. FTX also ushered in a new team to stabilize the firm, but it appears the damage is beyond repair.

Bromley on Tuesday confirmed the fears of millions of customers, noting that his team discovered that “a substantial amount of assets have either been stolen or are missing.” It appears that users’ funds are currently nowhere to be found.

Många kryptoanvändare har stämplat FTX som det största sveket i historien. Juridiska experter hävdar att FTX aldrig anlitat proffs för att granska sina finansiella register, vilket innebär att investerare med största sannolikhet aldrig fick korrekt information.

Lawrence Weriji
Lawrence Weriji Verifierad författare

Jag har täckt några spännande historier under min karriär som journalist och tycker att blockchain-relaterade historier är väldigt spännande. Jag tror att Web3 kommer att förändra världen och vill att alla ska vara en del av den.

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