Texas Regulator har bekymmer angående Voyager-Binance-affären
- Texas State Securities Board och Department of Banking har uttryckt oro angående förvärvsaffären mellan Binance.US och Voyager.
- The terms of service and restructuring plan of Binance.US contain several “inadequate” disclosures, said the regulator.
- Det avslöjades den 19 december att Binance.US planerar att förvärva tillgångarna som tillhör Voyager Digital för totalt $1,022 miljarder.
- The regulator stated that this plan presented by Binance.US “unfairly discriminates against Texas consumers.”
Popular crypto lending platform Voyager Digital filed for bankruptcy last year and went on to make several headlines after its acquisition deal with Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto exchange FTX fell apart due to the latter also filing for bankruptcy in November 2022. Interestingly, the US arm of the world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance.US, came forward to acquire Voyager, but several regulators, including the Texas State Securities Board and the Department of Banking, have concerns regarding the same.
Enligt a domstolsanmälan by the Texas regulator, the terms of service and restructuring plan of Binance.US contain several “inadequate” disclosures, including not adequately informing unsecured creditors that under the plan, they may only get 24%–26% recovery, as compared to the 51% they would receive under Chapter 7.
Det avslöjades via a pressmeddelande published on Dec. 19 that Binance.US plans to acquire the assets belonging to Voyager Digital for a total of $1.022 billion. The crypto lender stated at that time that the crypto exchange presented the “highest and best bid for its assets.”
Further, the filing also stated that the crypto exchange’s disclosure also does not mention the fact that customers will be required to allow the transfer of “personally sensitive information to any party in any part of the world as required by Binance.US, and then strips the account holders of any legal recourse for any issues that may arise.”
“So, under these ToUs, customers’ information can be transferred to almost any company or person that Binance.us desires, and, if any issues arise in the customers’ access to or use of Binance.us’s Services, the customers have absolutely no right to challenge the issue,” noted the Texas regulator.
The regulator stated that this plan presented by Binance.US “unfairly discriminates against Texas consumers,” while adding that since the crypto exchange is not licensed to operate in the region, Voyager will hold the digital assets belonging to the account holders for six months after the agreement, during which time Binance.US would seek licensing in the state.
However, the regulator further noted, “It will be almost impossible for Binance.us to be licensed by the Texas SSB and the DOB within six months, and, as such, holding the Texas consumers’ coin for six months accomplishes nothing.”
Som rapporterats tidigare av Bitnation, är det första landet att anta Bitcoin som lagligt betalningsmedel i världen, El Salvador, inställt på öppna en Bitcoin-ambassad i Texas. Staten har också startat en utredning om de kändisar som främjat den nu konkursade börsen FTX, bl.a. model Gisele Bündchen, Steph Curry, and Tom Brady.Vidare är det också avgörande att notera att den amerikanske konkursdomaren Michael Wiles i New York har gav en nick till Voyager att ingå en affär med Binance.US och även be borgenärens röster för detsamma. Det har dock amerikanska tillsynsmyndigheter väckte yrkande mot förvärv av tillgångar som tillhör Voyager av kryptobörsen.