
Se hur DOGE reagerade på Musks Twitterövertagande

  • Musk shares a history with DOGE. His tweets and comments often affect the memecoin’s price.
  • DOGE-investerare kritiserade Musk för hans stöd för myntet och hävdade att Tesla-chefen vilselett dem.

Crypto users have found it difficult to explain why Tesla billionaire, Elon Musk, chose to throw his weight behind Dogecoin, choosing it above other popular and better-performing coins. Musk has not only voiced his support for the memecoin but has also been able to influence the coin’s price via his actions.

Musk’s tweets are known to spark massive reactions among his followers. But acquiring Twitter not only triggered wild jubilations amongst his fans but also affected the prices of assets dear to his heart. Dogecoin is one such example.

Musk slutförde nyligen sitt förväntade köp av Twitter för $44 miljarder. 51-åringen har länge varit en beundrare av kryptoindustrin, så hans ankomst till Twitter var en stor vinst för kryptoälskare. 

Dogecoin reportedly rose by 9% following Musk’s acquisition. As of Friday morning, DOGE was enligt uppgift rankad som den nionde största kryptovalutan, med ett börsvärde på $11,5 miljarder. Memecoinet har inte upplevt en sådan ökning sedan augusti, vilket visar hur mycket inflytande Musk har över kryptovalutan.

Crypto enthusiasts predict that DOGE might become the next big coin in the market due to Musk’s affection for it. Traders predict that the new Twitter boss could decentralize the social media site and make DOGE an official currency, which would be used to pay for transactions on the network.

Despite his support for the memecoin, Musk has not enjoyed a smooth relationship with some of the founders of DOGE. In June, Dogecoin co-creator Jackson Palmer made some shocking claims about the SpaceX boss, slamming him for “pretending.” Jackson told an Australian site,

He’s a grifter, he sells a vision in hopes that he can one day deliver on what he’s promising, but he doesn’t know that. He’s just really good at pretending he knows.

Some DOGE investors later filed a lawsuit against Musk and his companies for his supposed support of the memecoin. Investors claimed the “defendants falsely and deceptively claim that Dogecoin is a legitimate investment when it has no value at all.”

Det återstår att se om Musk kommer att visa mer stöd för DOGE eller omfamna ett mer mottagligt projekt.

Lawrence Weriji
Lawrence Weriji Verifierad författare

Jag har täckt några spännande historier under min karriär som journalist och tycker att blockchain-relaterade historier är väldigt spännande. Jag tror att Web3 kommer att förändra världen och vill att alla ska vara en del av den.

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