Ledger tillkännager integration med PayPal
- PayPal lanserade nyligen sitt eget stablecoin för att marknadsföra digitala betalningar.
- Ledger sa att den nya integrationen med PayPal kommer att förenkla kryptoköp och även upprätthålla säkerhetsstandarder.
Blockchain-hårdvaruleverantören Ledger har meddelat en integration av dess Ledger Live-programvara med betalningshanteringsföretaget PayPal. Denna integration kommer att tillåta amerikanska användare med verifierade PayPal-konton att köpa kryptovalutor som BTC, ETH, LTC och BCH via deras Ledger Live-app.
Although the integration only allows users to purchase cryptocurrencies supported by PayPal, Ledger said it plans to work with the payment company “on new features,” adding that “should they decide to make more assets available, they’ll be automatically supported”.
Ledger previously enabled its users to buy crypto via its partnership with Loopipay, Transak, Mercuryo, Ramp, and Simplex. However, PayPal will simplify the process even more. Ledger explained that when a user buys crypto through PayPal via Ledger Live, the purchased token is instantly transferred to the user’s wallet. In addition, the user is not required to initiate any withdrawal process.
A Ledger spokesperson further explained that “rather than using non-secure browser wallets or holding their funds on exchanges, users can combine the ease of use they want with the security they need.”
The Ledger spokesperson noted that the new feature will be a great fit for both users who are “new to crypto and want a trusted provider to enter the space” and those who are “already in the space and want an easy way to buy crypto and immediately secure it in your Ledger.”
Dessutom tror Ledger ordförande och VD Pascal Gauthier att integrationen med PayPal är en vinst för kryptotransaktioner. Gauthier hävdade att integrationen kommer att förenkla kryptobetalningar och även betona säkerheten.
Han sa:
We’re combining the uncompromising security of Ledger with PayPal’s leadership in protected payments technology to help facilitate a seamless platform for user crypto transactions. Ledger is committed to simplifying the world of crypto, and PayPal is committed to making the movement of money as simple, reliable, and affordable as possible.
Gauthier added that “PayPal’s expertise complements our mission in this new era of asset advancement through our integration.” Ledger also hinted that more features resulting from its partnership with PayPal could be announced in the coming months.
PayPal ser ut att accelerera sin expansion i kryptovalutautrymmet som svar på konkurrens från kommande stora aktörer som Block, grundat av tidigare Twitter-vd Jack Dorsey, samt nya affärssatsningar av Apple och Google.
Som en del av sina expansionsplaner lanserade PayPal nyligen sitt eget stablecoin, PYUSD. Betaltjänstleverantören sa att det nya stablecoinet skulle främja tillväxten av digitala betalningar.