Stellar Network tillkännager investeringar i MoneyGram
- Stellar Network och MoneyGram har tidigare samarbetat för att förbättra blockchain-betalningar.
- The investment in MoneyGram also gives SDF a seat on MoneyGram’s board of directors.
Stellar Development Foundation (SDF), som är företaget bakom Stellar Network, har investerat i MoneyGram International. SDF sa i ett uttalande på tisdagen att de investerade medel från sin egen kassa för att bli minoritetsaktieägare i MoneyGram.
Today’s news expands on an ongoing partnership between SDF and MoneyGram. Both companies previously collaborated to promote cryptocurrency payments and introduce a cash-to-crypto service.
Commenting on SDF’s investment in MoneyGram, SDF CEO, and Executive Director Denelle Dixon said in a påstående:
During the recent go-private transaction with Madison Dearborn Partners (MDP), SDF became a minority investor in MGI. The investment was made out of SDF’s own cash treasury, the assets set aside to support the operations of the SDF, rather than the Enterprise Fund, a fund to invest in startups and earlier-stage companies. It is the first investment of its kind made from SDF’s treasury.
Dixon further noted that the investment would support the growth of MoneyGram’s digital businesses and also provide SDF with a seat on MoneyGram’s board of directors.
Dixon also hailed Stellar’s partnership with MoneyGram as one of the reasons for the growth of the XLM ecosystem. In a Twitter post, the Stellar executive claimed the Stellar network became the “leader of cash-to-crypto on and off-ramps” thanks to its partnership with MoneyGram. She added that MoneyGram’s contribution to Steller’s growth made it an “easy” choice to invest in the payment company.
Stellar är en av de växande listorna över kryptoprojekt som använder blockchain för att främja snabbare gränsöverskridande transaktioner. Dess XLM-kryptovaluta är för närvarande rankad på 22:a plats när det gäller marknadsvärde.