Legislador dos EUA acusa a SEC de abusar de seus poderes

  • The US House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee began an inquiry into the SEC’s handling of the FTX investigation in February. 
  • O comitê solicitou informações adicionais sobre as acusações feitas contra Bankman-Fried em uma carta endereçada ao presidente da SEC, Gary Gensler.
  • Os republicanos do comitê acusaram a SEC de atrapalhar a investigação do caso. 

Durante um audição na supervisão da SEC na quinta-feira, 22 de junho, o presidente do Subcomitê de Investigações e Supervisão da Câmara dos EUA, Bill Huizenga, de Michigan, criticou a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC) por não fornecer a documentação adequada sobre a prisão e processo do ex-cripto bilionário Sam Bankman-Fried. O jovem de 31 anos foi o proeminente fundador e CEO da falida exchange de criptomoedas FTX.

O deputado Huizenga criticou a SEC pela forma como a agência lidou com a investigação da FTX e por não fornecer documentos suficientes sobre o caso, conforme solicitado anteriormente. Em fevereiro, o Subcomitê de Investigações e Supervisão da Câmara dos EUA perguntado the SEC to provide documents for the committee to better understand the charges against Bankman-Fried. However, Huizenga claimed that “100% of the documents” provided by the SEC were publicly available.

Huizenga also slammed the SEC for missing a deadline of February 24 to provide documents that purportedly posed “serious questions about the SEC’s process and cooperation with the Department of Justice” in relation to the Bankman-Fried case. He added that the documents provided by the SEC were simply public briefings on “how the SEC and the Justice Department worked together” in Bankman-Fried’s case. 

Suprisingly, today’s hearing escalated into a partisan argument over whether the SEC ought to have responded to the committee’s request for the document faster. 

O congressista John Rose questionou Megan Barbero, conselheira geral da SEC, sobre por que a SEC demora para responder às solicitações. Lembre-se de que a exchange cripto Coinbase fez recentemente uma acusação semelhante contra a agência. A Coinbase entrou com um pedido judicial para que a SEC respondesse à petição feita no ano passado sobre políticas de cripto. Alguns dos legisladores acusaram a comissão de evitar deliberadamente fornecer clareza.

Representative Huizenga told Barbero that today’s hearing “could have and should have been avoided.” However, he said the committee had no choice since the SEC continued to be “uncooperative and unresponsive.”

Responding to Huizenga, Barbero argued that disclosing such documents to the committee was less difficult as they “do not require a commission vote”. However, she explained that the SEC must weigh Congress’s desire for information with the need to avoid jeopardizing an upcoming trial against Bankman-Fried, which is set to begin in October.

De acordo com ela,

The challenge here is balancing the concerns that the committee staff has identified as the priority of the commission’s action memo, which is the very document that contains the information that could prejudice our civil enforcement action and the parallel criminal investigation.

Thursday’s hearing shows the growing frustration of lawmakers about the SEC’s enforcement actions against crypto firms. Interestingly, Republicans appear to have grown tired of SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s time at the SEC.

Gensler’s leadership of the SEC has seen the agency take bold enforcement actions against several crypto companies, and Republicans believe Gensler’s action would hinder innovation.

Dois legisladores republicanos recentemente propôs um projeto de lei que reestruturaria a SEC e demitiria Gensler de seu cargo. No entanto, parece improvável que tal projeto de lei seja aprovado.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Autor verificado

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