Sports Illustrated debiutuje Nowa platforma sprzedaży biletów NFT: szczegóły
- Sports Illustrated ogłosiło debiut nowej platformy biletowej NFT opartej na łańcuchu blokowym Polygon (MATIC).
- The new NFT platform has been named “Box Office” and will include pre- and post-event audience perks.
- It will enable “owners, organizers, and hosts the ability to create, manage, and promote a fully scalable, paid or free ticketed live sporting event.”
- Sports Illustrated has partnered with ConsenSys, and the two will work together to develop a “Super Ticket” as well.
Popularność niezamiennych tokenów (NFT) pozostaje niezrównana pomimo panującej zimy kryptograficznej i szybkiego spadku wolumenu transakcji NFT. Ogólne zainteresowanie technologią blockchain i sztuką cyfrową wśród firm pozostaje wysokie i należy koniecznie zauważyć, że wiele wielkich nazwisk zdecydowało się rozpocząć swoje przedsięwzięcia NFT i Metaverse. Co ciekawe, amerykański magazyn sportowy, Sports Illustrated, opublikowany po raz pierwszy w 1954 roku, ogłosił debiut nowej platformy biletowej NFT opartej na blockchainie Polygon (MATIC), próbując wykorzystać popularność technologii blockchain.
The new service from Sports Illustrated has been titled “Box Office,” and it will allow the event organizers to issue commemorative non-fungible token tickets which will also include pre- and post-event audience perks. The platform has been described as a self-service event management and primary ticketing solution with the Polygon blockchain as its foundation.
Moreover, the new ticketing platform has been created by Sports Illustrated in collaboration with Web3 software developer ConsenSys. It will enable “owners, organizers and hosts the ability to create, manage, and promote a fully scalable, paid or free ticketed live sporting event.”
Additionally, Sports Illustrated Tickets and ConsenSys will work together to develop a “Super Ticket,” which will allow the hosts to remain connected to their attendees with the help of highlights, collectibles, exclusive offers, and loyalty benefits via NFT technology. The CEO of SI Tickets, David Lane, believes that “blockchain is the future of ticketing.”
“From the moment we launched our global event marketplace, which now boasts 50 million tickets to over 250,000 sports, concerts, and shows, we have been preparing to enter and disrupt the primary ticket market,” Lane said.
With the help of the “Super Ticket,” the attendees can scan their NFTs and gain expedited entries to the events hosted by the organizers. Furthermore, they can also receive drink coupons and music downloads prior to the event and can receive post-event video content and rewards as well.
“Guests will keep their tickets to your event in their digital wallet forever,” revealed the new strona internetowa platformy sprzedaży biletów Sports Illustrated, dodając jednocześnie:
“Every guest will receive a $10 credit toward tickets to a future purchase of major sports, concerts or theater events on SI Tickets. We pay your fans to attend your event!”
Niezależnie od panującej zimy kryptograficznej, wiele firm nadal podejmuje przedsięwzięcia NFT z wieloma partnerstwami. WeTransfer, internetowa firma świadcząca usługi przesyłania plików komputerowych, założona niedawno w 2009 roku współpracuje z platformą blockchain Minima to focus on the deployment of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Minima network and also empower creators all over the globe with “digital rights management for their intellectual property.”
Ponadto Chiny wprowadziły swój pierwszy regulowany rynek handlu NFT 1 stycznia 2023 r. Został stworzony przez państwową chińską giełdę technologii, Art Exhibitions China oraz prywatną firmę Huban Digital Copyrights Ltd.