Binance kondigt plannen aan om in 2023 met Hiring Spree te beginnen
- Binance recently admitted that it was not “super efficient” but was well organized to prepare for the next bull run.
- The exchange’s decision to expand its staff strength comes days after Huobi and Coinbase announced plans to reduce their workforces by 20%.
- Binance’s local arm in Sweden recently received approval from financial regulators in the country to manage and trade digital currencies.
Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced plans to commence a hiring spree in 2023 despite growing concerns about its operations. While several crypto firms have reduced their headcounts in order to survive the bear market’s pressure, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao stated on Wednesday that the company will increase its staff strength as it expands its influence into new markets.
Binance claims to have increased its staff strength in 2022 from 3000 employees to about 8000 and is looking at increasing those figures by 15% to 30%. Zhao shared the company’s expansion plans while speaking at the Crypto Finance Conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Concurrerende beurzen zijn gedwongen een aanzienlijk deel van hun personeelsbestand te ontslaan nadat de cryptomarkt in 2022 ongeveer $1,4 biljoen verloor en de prijzen van belangrijke cryptocurrencies zoals bitcoin en ether met meer dan 60% daalden.
Vorig jaar werden verschillende cryptobedrijven, waaronder Kraken, Huobi en Coinbase, gedwongen om enorme bezuinigingen aan te kondigen als onderdeel van beschermende maatregelen. Kraken reduceerde zijn personeelsbestand met 30%, terwijl Huobi en Coinbase kondigde vorige week 20%-ontslagen aan als onderdeel van hun inspanningen om het hoofd boven water te houden in de bearmarkt.
Although Binance plans to expand its workforce, Zhao admitted that the company is not entirely efficient but is well-organized for the next bull run. Zhao said the company will “continue to build and hopefully we will ramp up again before the next bull market.”
Binance krijgt goedkeuring in Zweden
Ondanks de zorgen over toenemende onenigheden met regelgevers over de hele wereld, kreeg Binance een boost na de aankondiging dat het toestemming had gekregen van de Zweedse financiële toezichthoudende autoriteit om digitale valuta in het land te verhandelen en te beheren.
Binance zei de Aankondiging came after “months of constructive engagement” with the financial regulator. As part of the approval, Swedish residents are allowed to access crypto services on Binance. Reacting to the news, a Binance representative in the region said,
Zweden neemt de EU-wetgeving volledig over en heeft verdere lokale vereisten, dus we hebben ervoor gezorgd dat Binance Nordics AB risico- en AML-beleid heeft aangenomen om aan deze veeleisende norm te voldoen. Onze volgende grote taak zal de succesvolle migratie en lancering van lokale operaties zijn, inclusief het inhuren van lokaal talent, het organiseren van meer evenementen en het geven van meer crypto-educatie in Zweden.
Last year, Binance received similar clearance from regulators in Spain, Dubai, France, and Bahrain. The exchange has not exactly had it easy with regulators in some countries. Authorities in nations like Canada, the US, Japan, and the UK have previously taken action against the exchange’s operations and warned prospective investors about the dangers associated with digital assets.