Il presidente della SEC suggerisce ancora una volta che i token PoS possono essere titoli
- Il presidente della SEC Gary Gensler ha suggerito che tutti i token crittografici PoS possono essere considerati titoli.
- Gensler contradicted CFTC Chair Rostin Behnam’s statement from last week when he said that stablecoins and Ether (ETH) are not securities.
- “Notwithstanding a regulatory framework around stablecoins, they’re going to be commodities in my view,” said Behnam.
- Gensler afferma che gli investitori che puntano i loro token si aspettano una sorta di profitto dai loro investimenti, il che conferma che i token PoS sono titoli.
- The SEC Chair has suggested staking token operators “seek to come into compliance.”
The position of the Securities and Exchange Commission on cryptocurrencies remains clear, as the community is questioning SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s capabilities following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX and 130+ other companies, along with crypto bank Silvergate Bank. Interestingly, Gesnler suggested in a recent statement that proof-of-stake crypto tokens might be considered securities by the regulator.
Il presidente della SEC è stato interrogato il 15 marzo dopo una riunione della commissione sulle questioni di sicurezza informatica e, secondo un rapporto di Il blocco, Gensler ha contraddetto ciò che Rostin Behnam, il presidente della Commodity Futures Trading Commission, ha affermato durante una riunione della commissione agricola del Senato la scorsa settimana.
Behnam said that stablecoins and Ether (ETH), in his opinion, are commodities and cannot be classified as securities. “Notwithstanding a regulatory framework around stablecoins, they’re going to be commodities in my view,” said Behnam.
However, SEC Chair Gensler pointed out that “the investing public is investing anticipating a return, anticipating something on these tokens, whether they’re proof-of-stake tokens, where they’re also looking to get returns on those proof-of-stake tokens and getting 2%, 4%, 18% returns,” while adding:
“Whatever they’re promoting and putting into a protocol, and locking up their tokens in a protocol, a protocol that’s often a small group of entrepreneurs and developers are developing, I would just suggest that each of these token operators … seek to come into compliance, and the same with the intermediaries.”
It is clear that the SEC Chair believes that PoS tokens are securities, as investors expect a return from staking their assets. Last month, Gensler told a Senate Banking Committee that staking is “another indicia that, under the Howey test, the investing public is anticipating profits based on the efforts of others.”
D'altra parte, la SEC ha lanciato una campagna aggressiva per stanare le operazioni crittografiche dagli Stati Uniti. Il regolatore di recente ha emesso un avviso Wells a Paxos, una società di pagamenti responsabile dell'emissione della stablecoin BUSD, sostenendo che BUSD è un titolo non registrato.
Moreover, the SEC also sued crypto exchange Kraken for providing staking services to the citizens of the US and stated that the exchange failed “to register the offer and sale of their crypto asset staking-as-a-service program.” Kraken ha accettato di pagare $30 milioni in sboccatura, interesse pregiudiziale e sanzioni civili.
In response to the regulator’s actions against Kraken, the largest crypto exchange in the US, Coinbase, said that the company’s i servizi di picchettamento non possono essere classificati come titoli dalla Commissione. Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer dell'exchange, ha affermato che lo staking non è né una sicurezza ai sensi del Securities Act degli Stati Uniti né del test di Howey.