Il London Stock Exchange Group si è concesso un anno per esplorare e far debuttare una sede di negoziazione basata sulla tecnologia blockchain.

La Borsa di Londra sta esplorando la tecnologia Blockchain: FT

  • Il London Stock Exchange Group sta esplorando l’integrazione della tecnologia blockchain.
  • L'azienda si è concessa un anno per indagare e far debuttare una sede di negoziazione alimentata dalla blockchain.
  • The LSEG is “definitely not building anything around crypto assets, said Murray Roos, a top-level exec.
  • Il Nasdaq aveva annunciato l'intenzione di lanciare un servizio di custodia di criptovalute, ma ha sospeso i suoi piani.

The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has announced that it is currently exploring the viability and usefulness of blockchain technology and aims to debut “an end-to-end digital market ecosystem to raise and transfer capital across asset classes.” The LSE Group is the latest entity to display crypto and blockchain-friendly ambitions, and it seems that the fundamentals cannot be more clear. 

Come per l'a rapporto from the Financial Times, Murray Roos, the head of capital markets at the London Stock Exchange Group, confirmed that the firm has given itself a year to look into the possibility of launching a blockchain-powered trading venue. While it was confirmed that the 300-year-old stock exchange is “definitely not building anything around cryptoassets,” the LSE Group is considering the integration of blockchain technology.

“The idea is to use digital technology to make a process that is slicker, smoother, cheaper, and more transparent, and to have it regulated,” Roos said. 

È anche importante menzionare qui che la Borsa di Londra non vuole avere nulla a che fare con le criptovalute, ma vuole che la tecnologia che alimenta Bitcoin e altre criptovalute migliori l’efficienza delle transazioni patrimoniali tradizionali, inclusi acquisto, vendita e custodia.

The new venture will be led by Julia Hoggett, the head of one of the units within the broader London Stock Exchange group, as per the Financial Times. Roos confirmed that his firm has reached an “inflection point” and has opted to advance plans for integrating blockchain technology.

Roos further added that if everything goes as planned, the LSE Group would become the first large global stock exchange to offer an “end-to-end” blockchain-powered ecosystem to investors.

“The ultimate goal is a global platform that allows participants in all jurisdictions to be able to interact with people in other jurisdictions completely abiding by rules, laws, and regulations, potentially multiple jurisdictions simultaneously, which is something that hasn’t been possible in an analogue world.”

È interessante notare che anche il Nasdaq ha rivelato i piani per il debutto di una soluzione di custodia delle criptovalute, ma ha deciso di sospendere gli sviluppi a causa dell'incertezza normativa negli Stati Uniti. I membri del settore hanno chiesto il elezione dei candidati repubblicani per le leggi pro-criptovalute.

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