Coinbase lancia Base Blockchain per gli utenti
- Coinbase ritiene che la sua controversia con la SEC non influirà sui suoi piani per Base.
- Presumibilmente oltre 100 applicazioni dovrebbero essere pubblicate su Base.
- Il team Base non ha intenzione di introdurre un token nativo.
US-based crypto exchange Coinbase has launched the mainnet for Base, marking a new era where public companies operate their own distributed chains. Base is Coinbase’s Ethereum layer-2 network, which the exchange claims will help the development of millions of decentralized applications.
Coinbase announced on Wednesday, August 9, that the Base network was ready to onboard users after spending weeks in an “open for builders only” phase. Coinbase originally lanciato Base in a beta version in February. Last month, Base launched its mainnet for builders. However, Coinbase noted that the new service was not ready for the broader crypto community at the time. However, today’s launch means that Base is now available to the public.
È interessante notare che diversi team Web3 hanno annunciato l'intenzione di rilasciare app per Base. Il mondo delle criptovalute ha mostrato un enorme entusiasmo da quando Coinbase ha annunciato l'intenzione di lanciare il nuovo servizio la scorsa settimana. Secondo quanto riferito, circa 100 applicazioni verranno distribuite sul nuovo servizio blockchain.
Jesse Pollak, Coinbase’s senior director of engineering, expressed delight at the response to the new service. He remarked that “it’s incredibly exciting that there’s been so much energy and appetite for folks to come and use Base, even before we publicly launched.”
Pollak ha spiegato che il nuovo servizio fa parte della sua strategia per attirare milioni di persone su Web3 mostrando altri aspetti della blockchain oltre alle criptovalute. Pollak ha inoltre aggiunto che Base non avrebbe alcun token nativo, il che, secondo lui, impedisce di concentrarsi sugli sviluppatori e sul loro lavoro.
Pollak ha detto in una dichiarazione,
Historically, the aperture of what people can do with crypto has been relatively limited, mostly speculation. In order for Coinbase and crypto and this work that we’re doing to have the impact that we all want, we need to move from the place where this is speculation to a place where this is integrated into every part of someone’s day-to-day existence.
According to Pollak, Coinbase wants its users to see Base “an opportunity for growth and expansion.” However, Pollak explained that crypto exchange believes “it’s really important that we incubate and curate a Base native community where folks who are really building base first, and creating for this new kind of world.”
Some executives believe that Coinbase’s new business initiative might eventually enable it to generate fees from operating its own blockchain. In addition, the crypto exchange could also enjoy a lucrative source of income from applications created on top of it.
Coinbase believes the SEC case won’t affect Base
Coinbase ha lanciato il suo nuovo servizio nel mezzo di una controversia in corso con la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti. Tuttavia, Pollak ritiene che il controversia non interromperà i piani con Base.
Pollak noted that the SEC’s action targets aspects of Coinbase’s business that are unrelated to Base, which eliminates any concern of interference.