Mercado Bitcoin har blivit officiellt licensierad av Brasiliens centralbank
- Den brasilianska kryptobörsen Mercado Bitcoin har erhållit licens från landets centralbank.
- Licensen kommer att tillåta kryptoplattformen att debutera sin fintech-lösning, MB Pay, som först presenterades 2021.
- Ett betalkort från Mercado Bitcoin kommer snart att debutera och kommer att fungera som en krypto-off-ramp för användare av kryptoplattformen.
- Nyligen bekräftade Guide Investimentos, en traditionell lokal mäklare, sitt partnerskap med kryptoföretaget.
The 2022 crypto market collapse has not deterred regulators from around the world from adopting blockchain and Web3 technology. Multiple crypto trading platforms have been granted licenses in recent history, and it seems that the trend is not going anywhere soon. As per a recent turn of events, Mercado Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency exchange platform based in Brazil that allows users to trade digital assets, has confirmed receiving a license from the Central Bank of Brazil, which enables it to debut MB Pay, a fintech solution that will enable the platform’s users to easily use crypto assets.
Enligt lokala medier rapporterar, Mercado Bitcoin has been officially granted the payment provider license by the country’s central bank, and with the debut of MB Pay, Brazilian users will be allowed access to specific digital banking services via crypto assets held on the trading platform. These services include digital fixed-income investments, staking, and other financial transactions.
Det är också viktigt att notera att ett betalkort från Mercado Bitcoin snart kommer att debutera och kommer att fungera som en krypto-off-ramp för användare av kryptohandelsplattformen. VD:n för 2TM, moderbolaget till det Brasilien-baserade digitala tillgångsföretaget, Roberto Dagnoni, sa:
“The approval of the Central Bank is a crucial step, as it allows us to continue expanding our business and providing a better service to our customers.”
Additionally, Guide Investimentos, a traditional Brazilian broker, confirmed its partnership with Mercado Bitcoin in order to enter the digital asset market. Moreover, MB Pay’s first rollout was announced in the bull market of 2021, which saw a huge influx of capital from the Latin American region, but the process was delayed due to regulatory reasons.
Not only Mercado Bitcoin but other crypto exchanges have decided to expand operations in the Latin American region and establish their dominance there. Previously, the world’s biggest crypto exchange by trading volume, Binance, announced that Brazil ranked among its top five crypto hubs, and the exchange expressed interest in expanding operations in the region.
Det nya kortet som Mercado Bitcoin kommer att släppa kommer att möta stark konkurrens från det befintliga kortet som Binance och det amerikanska multinationella betalningsnätverket Mastercard lanseras i Brasilien i början av året.
This was the second such card to be launched in Latin America after Argentina. At that time, Marcelo Tangioni, the president of Mastercard, stated that “Brazilians are eager to use cryptocurrency beyond an investment asset.”
Ett antal kryptobörser har ansökt om att få licens att verka i Brasilien. Latam Gateway, betalningspartner till Binance i Brasilien, nyligen erhållit tillstånd att verka som betalningsinstitut i landet. De två företagen har arbetat tillsammans sedan juni 2022, när Latam Gateway avslutade sitt partnerskap med Capitual.