Demokraten Jon Tester ser "ingen anledning" i Cryptos existens
- The senior US senator from Montana, Jon Tester, criticized cryptocurrencies, stating that he sees “no reason why” they exist.
- “The problem is if we regulate it, […] it may give it the ability of people to think it’s real,” said the Senator in his statement.
- Crypto community on Twitter criticized the Senator’s remarks with users saying that he has no knowledge about blockchain and decentralization.
- In an earlier statement, Jon Tester said that the crypto industry was “all bullshit” and that he can’t “figure out what supports it.”
Many US Senators have come out against the existence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and many don’t see the reason for their existence except, for illicit purposes. Jon Tester, an American farmer and politician serving as the senior United States senator from Montana, recently stated that he sees “no reason why” cryptocurrencies and digital assets should exist in the current scenario.
Jon Tester har haft sin plats som demokrat från Montana sedan 2007 och är en senior medlem av USA:s politik. Intressant nog är senatorn också en del av senatens bankkommitté, en kommitté som har jurisdiktion över frågor som rör banker och banker, priskontroller, inlåning, etc. Dessutom är kommittén också en av de nyckelenheter som är involverade i regleringssfären .
In an appearance on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ on Dec. 11, Jon Tester uppgav att kryptovalutor och kryptosektorn inte har något värde. Han tillade att reglering av den här sektorn bara kommer att leda till att branschen blir legitim, som i någon mening är en lekplats för bedragare och ru-pullare.
According to the Senator’s statement, “It’s not been able to pass the smell test for me. I have not been able to find anybody who’s been able to explain to me what’s there other than synthetics […] which means nothing,” he said, while further adding:
“The problem is if we regulate it, and I pointed this out to some of the regulators here a week or two ago, if we regulated it, it may give it the ability of people to think it’s real,” said Jon Tester in an interview.
Finally, Jon Tester added that he sees “no reason why this stuff should exist” at all. However, the crypto community on social media platform Twitter, which was just såldes till Elon Musk för över $44 miljarder, bestämde sig för att kritisera senatorn för hans självmedgivna bristande kunskap om krypto och hans anmärkningar mot krypto.
Twitter user @BS0064 tweeted that it is “always good to see people who have no idea what they’re talking about to express really strong opinions on the matter.” On the other hand, @blocknonprofit argued Tester’s statement, adding that “it is real… imagine all those cryptos are just tech stocks not traded on traditional exchanges used today.”
Moreover, Jon Tester slammed cryptocurrencies in an earlier statement given to media outlet Semafor, adding that the crypto industry was “all bullshit” and that he can’t “figure out what supports it.” The Twitter crypto communnity believes that this shows the Senator’s lack of knowledge about blockchain and tokenization.
Som tidigare rapporterats av Bitnation, De amerikanska senatorerna Elizabeth Warren och Tina Smith kritiserade nyligen kollapsen av kryptobörsen FTX, och den bredare kryptoindustrin. Dessutom är lagstiftarna oroliga för att bristen på tillsyn i förbindelserna mellan banker och kryptoföretag kan få långvariga konsekvenser.