California DMV testar Blockchain Tech i samarbete med Tezos
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) i Kalifornien utvecklar ett system som kommer att baseras på blockchain-teknologi.
- Den statliga myndigheten har samarbetat med Tezos blockchain och Oxhead Alpha, ett mjukvaruutvecklingsföretag.
- Huvudmålet med detta partnerskap är att digitalisera ägandet av bilar och göra ägarbytet enkelt.
- DMV har arbetat med blockchain-systemet sedan 2020 men stoppade det på grund av pandemin.
Statliga myndigheter har på senare tid blivit mer positiva till blockkedjeteknik och har börjat testa olika system baserade på den. Dessa byråer inkluderar inte bara traditionella finansiella institutioner som centralbanker utan även tillsynsmyndigheter och tekniska avdelningar. Det är avgörande att notera att Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) i Kalifornien utvecklar ett system som kommer att baseras på blockchain-teknik.
In order to test this new technology and integrate it into its current system, the California DMV is collaborating with Tezos (XTZ), a blockchain network that’s based on smart contracts and is quite similar to Ethereum (ETH), and also with Oxhead Alpha, an “expert in cryptography, distributed systems, software development, systems integration, and enterprise infrastructure.”
Den statliga myndigheten i den mest folkrika amerikanska delstaten planerar också att använda Tezos blockchain för att lagra några av sina register, som utfärdande av bilägande, så att förenkling av ägandeöverföringar kan uppnås. Man kan säga att det stora målet med detta partnerskap är att digitalisera ägandet av bilar och göra ägarbytet enkelt.
“DMV sought to explore blockchain technology in order to improve its current processes as documented in the California Blockchain Working Group Roadmap; and incorporate the values detailed by Governor Newsom in his recent blockchain executive order. To that end, DMV selected Oxhead Alpha to build a platform based on responsible innovation, protecting consumers, and leveraging technology for the public good,” said Oxhead Alpha in a statement.
Enligt en rapport från Förmögenhet, the chief digital officer at the California DMV, Ajay Gupta, stated that within three months, the agency plans to finalize its “shadow ledger,” i.e., a full replication of the state’s title database on the blockchain. After this, the agency plans to develop consumer-facing applications, including a digital wallet that will allow users to store their ownership details and car title NFTs.
Gupta stated that “the DMV’s perception of lagging behind should definitely change” in an interview with Fortune. He also confirmed that the California agency has been working on this project since 2020, but due to the pandemic, it halted operations.
“DMV is exploring innovative blockchain solutions to help increase efficiency, boost transparency and reduce economic costs. This would avoid repeated verification steps for customer and State/public service entities, resulting in reduced workload, economic benefits and auditability,” Gupta added.
On the other hand, the president of Oxhead Alpha, Andrew Smith, stated that he was surprised at Gupta’s quickness and acceptance of the initiative at a time when the blockchain and crypto industries are facing multiple bankruptcies and frauds. Smith described the current system used by the California DMV as using 18th-century paper-based technology to solve 21st-century transaction fraud.
Som tidigare rapporterats av Bitnation, Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) i Kalifornien warned the state’s citizens of 17 crypto website and platforms, med angivande av att dessa är förknippade med bedrägliga aktiviteter. Några av dessa plattformar inkluderar Tahoe Digital Exchange, TeleTrade Options, Tony Alin Trading Firm, Trade 1960, VoyanX.com och ZC Exchange. Regulatorn också initierade strikta åtgärder mot bedrägliga kryptoföretag.