Binance introducerar ny produkt "Skicka kontanter" i Latinamerika
- Binance has introduced a new feature called ‘Send Cash,’ a crypto-to-bank account payment solution.
- Kunder i nio länder i Latinamerika kan skicka pengar direkt till bankkonton via Binance Pay.
- De nio länderna inkluderar Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Mexiko och andra.
- The new feature will allow customers “to make their digital transfers more easily, by reducing time and costs.”
The world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, seeks to expand its presence in the Latin American region and has announced a new product called ‘Send Cash’ that would allow customers of the leading digital asset trading platform from nine countries to transfer crypto funds directly to bank accounts.
According to the official announcement from Binance, the ‘Send Cash’ feature will spela teater som en krypto-till-bankkonto-betalningslösning för regionen, som tillåter sina användare i Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Dominikanska republiken, Panama och Mexiko att överföra sin krypto via Binance Pay.
The exchange confirmed that the new feature will allow customers to “use the crypto payment technology offered by Binance Pay and the services of licensed providers to make their digital transfers more easily, by reducing time and costs.”
“This is another step forward for Binance, which renews its commitment to the crypto industry in Latin America, to the expansion of the benefits it offers in terms of financial inclusion, and to developing new ways of using crypto in everyday life. Individuals and businesses in the region are very open to innovations that can solve the specific challenges they face, and, at Binance, we continue to work to respond to them with products that fit those local needs,” said Min Lin, Regional VP for Latin America at Binance.
Det officiella tillkännagivandet från kryptobörsen påpekade också att Despegar, Credencial Payment och Vita Wallet utökade betalnings- och remitteringsalternativen genom att acceptera Binance Pay som en ny betalningsmetod samt optimera gränsöverskridande betalningar.
Intressant nog, som rapporterats tidigare av Bitnation, två månader efter att ha lämnat den belgiska marknaden, meddelade den ledande kryptobörsen att dess Belgiska användare kan återigen få tillgång till dess tjänster. Belgium’s Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) ordered the platform to exit the country in June since it was not permitted to provide services to Belgians from outside the European Economic Area (EEA).