Binance avfärdar band med Storbritannien-baserade Binance LTD
- Binance avbröt nyligen sin registrering i Storbritannien hos FCA.
- Kryptobörsen utfärdade också ett upphörande-meddelande till ett bedrägligt nigerianskt företag som verkar under dess namn.
- Binance har dragit tillbaka sin närvaro från Cypern och Nederländerna de senaste dagarna.
For the second time in a week, cryptocurrency exchange Binance has issued a cease-and-desist order to a fake company operating under its name. The crypto exchange took to Twitter to announce that it had issued a notice to UK-based Binance Ltd. Binance clarified that it was not affiliated with Binance LTD and called it “a scam company.”
Binance’s disclaimer came in response to a Reddit posta that suggested that the exchange “has a utility closet listed as an office in the UK.” The supposed affiliate, Binance Ltd., reportedly operates a registered office in Mildenhall, Suffolk. The government’s company register, Companies House, says Binance Ltd. shares an office location with more than 2,400 organizations.
As of this writing, the specifics surrounding Binance Ltd. are still unknown. However, the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority has previously issued public warnings about the existence of cryptocurrency “clone” businesses. Clone companies involve fraudulent organizations using the details of legitimate companies to persuade their victims.
Bortsett från ökande regulatoriska tryck har Binance varit tvungen att ta avstånd från påstådda falska företag som verkar under dess varumärke. Det finns för närvarande flera företag i Storbritannien som verkar under varumärket Binance. Binance utfärdade nyligen ett liknande upphörande-och-avstå-order till en förmodad nigeriansk affiliate som enligt uppgift ber om lokala investerare.
Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao took to Twitter to brand the company as a “scammer entity.” The news came as Nigerian regulators claimed Binance had operated illegally in the West African nation and was not registered with the appropriate authorities. Interestingly, the operators of Binance Nigeria Limited allegedly confirmed that they had planned to sell the company to Binance.
Meanwhile, Binance Global hasn’t had the best of times in recent weeks. The company has recently dragits tillbaka dess närvaro från Nederländerna, Cypern och Kanada. Dessutom stämdes kryptobörsen av US Securities and Exchange Commission för att ha sålt värdepapper och missbrukat kundmedel.