Bankman-Frieds föräldrar lider av onlinehot
- Bankman-Fried’s lawyers claim the FTX founder’s parents have been subject to threats and negative media coverage.
- SBF’s lawyers have asked the presiding judge not to publicize the names of two sureties to keep them from facing similar assaults.
- Bankman-Fried förväntas erkänna sig oskyldig under sitt rättegångsframträdande på tisdagen.
Bankman-Fried’s legal team has asked a judge to redact specific details about the people serving as sureties for his $250 million bond due to threats made to his family and parents. The lawyers submitted the letter on Tuesday to Judge Lewis Kaplan for the United States District Court in the Southern District of New York, asking that the names and identities of two of the sureties be kept private to protect them from similar harassment faced by Bankman-Fried’s parents.
När han talade om hoten sa Mark Cohen från advokatfirman Cohen & Gresser,
In recent weeks, Mr. Bankman-Fried’s parents have become the target of intense media scrutiny, harassment, and threats. Among other things, Mr. Bankman-Fried’s parents have received a steady stream of threatening correspondence, including communications expressing a desire that they suffer physical harm. Consequently, there is serious cause for concern that the two additional sureties would face similar intrusions on their privacy as well as threats and harassment if their names appear unredacted on their bonds or their identities are otherwise publicly disclosed.
Bankman-Fried var släppte mot borgen i december med en obligation på $250 miljoner och beordrades att stanna hos sina föräldrar i Kalifornien. Hans juridiska team tror att offentliggörande av namnen på de som är villiga att stödja honom ekonomiskt kan hämma rättsprocessen.
Bankman-Fried förväntas också inleda en oskyldigt erkännande på tisdag som svar på anklagelser that he defrauded investors in his now-defunct FTX crypto exchange. The 30-year-old is accused of heading one of the biggest cryptocurrency scams in history, stealing billions of dollars in FTX customer deposits to finance his Alameda Research hedge fund, and fund his lifestyle.
Om den döms kan akademiker från Massachusetts Institute of Technology riskera upp till 115 års fängelse. Bankman-Fried åtalades för två fall av bedrägeri och sex fall av konspiration, inklusive anklagelser om penningtvätt och brott mot lagar om kampanjfinansiering.
FTX co-founder Gary Wang and Alameda chief executive Caroline Ellison have both pleaded guilty to criminal charges after being hit with both civil and criminal charges for fraud and conspiracy. Both parties also agreed to collaborate with prosecutors. Ellison expressed her regret to FTX’s clients and investors at a hearing last month, saying she acknowledged her mistakes.