SEC processa CEO da Binance, Changpeng Zhao
- A CFTC instou o tribunal a proibir Changpeng Zhao de conduzir práticas comerciais que se enquadram em sua jurisdição e impedir a Binance de operar nos EUA.
- A Binance, em uma postagem no blog na segunda-feira, deu a entender que tomaria medidas para se defender.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reportedly sued crypto exchange Binance and its CEO, Changpeng Zhao, for allegedly running what the regulator termed a “web of deception”. The SEC accused Binance of mismanaging customer funds and deceiving American regulators and investors about its business practices. The suit said that Binance and its CEO “enriched themselves by billions of U.S. dollars while placing investors’ assets at significant risk.”
A SEC, em seu Processo de 136 páginas, alegou que a Binance havia secretamente misturado e transferido bilhões de dólares em ativos de clientes para a Merit Peak Limited, uma empresa diferente de propriedade de Zhao. A SEC também alegou que a Binance enganou os investidores sobre a eficácia de seus procedimentos para identificar e prevenir negociações fraudulentas, bem como seus esforços para impedir que usuários baseados nos EUA negociassem em sua plataforma global.
O terno disse,
As a second part of Zhao’s and Binance’s plan to shield themselves from U.S. regulation, they consistently claimed to the public that the Binance.com platform did not serve U.S. persons, while simultaneously concealing their efforts to ensure that the most valuable U.S. customers continued trading on the platform.
The SEC added that “when the Binance.US Platform launched in 2019, Binance announced that it was implementing controls to block U.S. customers from the Binance.com Platform. In reality, Binance did the opposite. Zhao directed Binance to assist certain high-value U.S. customers in circumventing those controls and to do so surreptitiously because – as Zhao himself acknowledged – Binance did not want to ‘be held accountable’ for these actions.”
Binance ofereceu títulos não registrados
The lawsuit accused Binance, Binance.US, and CZ of offering unregistered securities to their users in the form of the BNB token and BUSD stablecoin. The SEC further branded Binance’s staking service as a violation of US securities law.
O regulador dos EUA afirmou que tokens como Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC), blockchains Algorand (ALGO), Cardano (ADA), rede Filecoin (FIL), Coti (COTI), hub Cosmos (ATOM) e Decentraland (MANA) são títulos.
A SEC apresentou um total de 13 acusações contra a Binance e seu CEO. O regulador quer que Zhao seja impedido de atuar como diretor ou diretor de qualquer empresa registrada nos EUA que ofereça valores mobiliários, bem como de receber remuneração da Binance.
Gurbir S. Grewal, director of the S.E.C.’s enforcement division, said,
Alegamos que Zhao e as entidades da Binance não apenas conheciam as regras de trânsito, mas também optaram conscientemente por evitá-las e colocar seus clientes e investidores em risco.
A Binance tem enfrentado maior escrutínio desde o início do ano por parte dos reguladores federais dos EUA, que alegaram que a exchange evitou leis destinadas a proteger os investidores americanos. Binance supostamente realiza até $65 bilhões em atividade média diária de negociação e controla a maior parte da participação de mercado no espaço criptográfico.
O caso contra a exchange cripto é amplamente visto como um fator decisivo no futuro do mercado cripto. Curiosamente, os reguladores dos EUA consideram a Binance um de seus principais alvos em seus esforços para subjugar a indústria cripto.
Binance está pronta para revidar
Binance executives shared a blog post on Monday where they claimed they had been seeking to reach a settlement with authorities and were “disappointed” and “disheartened” by the S.E.C.’s decision to file a lawsuit.
Binance disse em um comunicado,
To be clear: any allegations that user assets on the Binance.US platform have ever been at risk are simply wrong, and there is zero justification for the staff’s action in light of the ample time the staff has had to conduct their investigation. All user assets on Binance and Binance affiliate platforms, including Binance.US, are safe and secure, and we will vigorously defend against any allegations to the contrary.
The crypto exchange alleged that the case represented a “misguided and conscious refusal to provide much-needed clarity and guidance to the digital asset industry.” Furthermore, Binance claimed that the S.E.C. hurried to bring the complaint, pointing out that it received “a new set of 26 document requests” from the authorities last week.
Crypto users believe the SEC’s case against Binance is its biggest attempt to take on the industry.