CFTC acusa Avraham Eisenberg em exploração do mercado de manga
- A CFTC processou Avraham Eisenberg, um artista digital, por duas acusações de manipulação de mercado relacionadas à exploração do Mango Market.
- It claims that Eisenberg “engaged in a manipulative and deceptive scheme to artificially inflate the price of swaps offered by the DeFi platform.”
- Gretchen Lowe afirmou que o regulador usará todas as ferramentas de execução disponíveis para perseguir agressivamente as acusações de fraude e manipulação.
On January 9, the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) filed a lawsuit against Avraham Eisenberg, a self-described digital artist, for two charges of market manipulation related to last year’s major exploit of decentralized financial platform Mango Markets. Eisenberg is currently in police custody after being detained on related charges on December 27.
De acordo com to the regulatory agency, between October 11, 2022, and October 15, 2022, Eisenberg “engaged in a manipulative and deceptive scheme to artificially inflate the price of swaps offered by Mango Markets, a decentralized digital asset exchange, culminating in the misappropriation of over $100 million from the platform.”
Moreover, the self-described digital artist allegedly purchased more than 400 million MNGO-USDC swaps on Mango Markets with a position size of around $19 million. The CFTC claims that the defendant then purchased “large quantities” of MNGO tokens on the Oracle Exchanges over a span of less than 30 minutes.
The rise in the price of MNGO was advantageous to Eisenberg, who borrowed cryptocurrencies worth around $144 million from Mango Markets at a higher price. After this, the price of Mango Market’s native token fell, leaving the platform illiquid. The CFTC stated that the artist’s actions resulted in a “wash transaction.”
Acting Director of Enforcement Gretchen Lowe stated that CFTC “will use all available enforcement tools to aggressively pursue fraud and manipulation regardless of the technology that is utilized. The CEA prohibits deception and swap manipulation, whether on a registered swap execution facility or on a decentralized blockchain-based trading platform.”
O regulador alegou ainda:
“The goal of Defendant’s scheme was straightforward: to artificially inflate the value of his swap contract holdings on Mango Markets through price manipulation, so that he could ‘borrow’ a significant amount of digital assets that he had no intention to repay.”
However, the defendant’s manipulation led to an illusion about the value of his collateral. In order to stop manipulating MNGO and the MNGO-USDC Swaps after “borrowing” digital assets from Mango Markets, the defendant transferred the borrowed digital assets out of his Mango Markets account.
O valor de seus swaps MNGO-USDC caiu simultaneamente à medida que o preço do MNGO caiu abaixo de seu nível pré-manipulação. Isso fez com que os empréstimos do réu ficassem severamente subcolateralizados, deixando a Mango Markets com as mãos quase vazias.
Em um tweet em 15 de outubro de 2022, Eisenberg confessou que estava por trás do ataque à Mango Markets e argumentou que suas ações eram justificadas. Eisenberg já havia feito uma demanda anônima por uma recompensa de bug de 70 milhões de USD Coin (USDC), ou $70 milhões. A comunidade da Mango Markets votou contra a ação legal contra ele em favor de deixando-o ficar com os $47 milhões.
“All mango depositors will be made whole. By voting for this proposal, mango token holders agree to pay off the bad debt with the treasury, and waive any potential claims against accounts with bad debt, and will not pursue any criminal investigations or freezing of funds once the tokens are sent back as described above,” read the governance proposal.
É interessante notar que em 27 de dezembro, Eisenberg foi levado sob custódia pelo Departamento de Justiça dos EUA e acusado de uma acusação de fraude de commodities e uma acusação de manipulação de commodities. A CFTC o acusou de infringir o Commodities Exchange Act e vários outros regulamentos da comissão.