FTX CEO brengt een openbare verontschuldiging uit, is van plan om "goed te doen aan de gebruikers"
- De CEO van crypto-exchange FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, verontschuldigde zich publiekelijk op Twitter en bezat alle fouten die hij maakte toen hij de leiding had over de nu bijna faillissementsbeurs.
- He said that due to “poor internal labeling” of bank-related accounts, he was “substantially off” on his sense of users’ margin which led to $5 billion in withdrawals on Sunday.
- The executive further added that his firm’s number 1 priority is to “do right by the users” and revealed that the exchange is in talks with several parties for a bailout deal.
- Going forward, SBF confirmed that Alameda Research won’t be trading on FTX exchange anymore and if the firm remains operations, 100% on-chain transparency will be maintained.
After a long period of silence, the CEO of crypto exchange FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, issued a public apology on Twitter stating that he should’ve been more careful and also, commented on the future of the exchange and how the Bahamas-based firm will get its neck out of the trouble it is in.
Bovendien bevestigde Bankman-Fried, ook bekend als SBF in de cryptogemeenschap, in de Twitter-thread van donderdag dat de Amerikaanse tak van FTX, FTX.US, volledig liquide is en niet wordt geconfronteerd met een stopzetting van de opname, in tegenstelling tot de interne arm van de beurs .
De voormalige cryptomiljardair zag zijn vermogen de afgelopen dagen flink dalen. SBF was bijna $26 miljard waard op het hoogtepunt van zijn populariteit, maar sindsdien zag hij zijn rijkdom dalen tot minder dan een miljardair nadat het token dat hij creëerde, FTT-token, in de as werd gelegd na de aankondiging van Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao, ook bekend als CZ in de ruimte, dat zijn bedrijf meer dan $2 miljard aan FTT zou verkopen.
FTX-CEO doorbreekt stilte
The FTX executive stated that he has been silent for the past few days because Binance demanded it and he “wasn’t particularly allowed to say much publicly.” While apologizing, the crypto personality stated, “But of course it’s on me that we ended up there in the first place.”
Daarna bracht de voormalige crypto-ster, die een van de grootste donateurs was bij de recente presidentsverkiezingen in de VS, een update uit over de toekomst van zijn bedrijf en het bestaan ervan en ook over wanneer de opnames worden toegestaan.
“FTX International currently has a total market value of assets/collateral higher than client deposits (moves with prices!). But that’s different from liquidity for delivery–as you can tell from the state of withdrawals. The liquidity varies widely, from very to very little,” said SBF.
The FTX CEO accepted that he made two mistakes that proved to be the death knell for his exchange. Firstly, he stated that due to “slechte interne etikettering” of bank-related accounts, he was “substantially off” on his sense of users’ margin. “I thought it was way lower,” he said. This resulted in over $5 billion worth of withdrawals on Sunday, which was the largest every for the exchange.
De tweede fout die SBF maakte, is te zien in het onderstaande Twitter-bericht. Zijn misrekeningen leidden tot de liquiditeitscrisis waarin de beurs zich momenteel bevindt.
Goed doen door de gebruikers
He once again apologized for not communicating enough and said that his number 1 priority is to “do right by the users.”
“So, right now, we’re spending the week doing everything we can to raise liquidity. I can’t make any promises about that. But I’m going to try. And give anything I have to if that will make it work,” said the FTX executive.
Hij bevestigde ook dat FTX momenteel in gesprek is met meerdere partijen om de problemen op te lossen. Volgens marktgeruchten is de directeur... een deal sluiten met Tron-oprichter Justin Sun.
Bankman-Fried also confirmed that every penny received from the parties and with the collateralization of the assets, “will go straight to users,” until all the users haven’t been made full. After the customers, SBF will see that the exchange does right by its employees and investors as well.
“Because at the end of the day, I was CEO, which means that l was responsible for making sure that things went well. I, ultimately, should have been on top of everything. I clearly failed in that. I’m sorry,” Bankman-Fried said.
Vooruit gaan
Going forward, FTX CEO confirmed that Alameda Research won’t be trading on FTX exchange anymore and “in any scenario in which FTX continues operating, its first priority will be radical transparency–transparency it probably always should have been giving.” He stated that the exchange, if operational, will provide “as close to on-chain transparency as it can, so that people know exactly what is happening on it.”
“All of the stakeholders would have a hard look at FTX governance. I will not be around if I’m not wanted. All of the stakeholders–investors, regulators, users–would have a large part to play in how it would be run,” confirmed Bankman-Fried.
FTX US blijft 100% vloeistof
Dankzij het strikte regelgevende beleid van de SEC van de Verenigde Staten blijft FTX US 100% liquide en worden opnames verwerkt voor de gebruikers.
While ending his Twitter thread, FTX CEO Bankman-Fried threw a shot at Binance CEO, Zhao, calling him a “sparring partner.”