Binance Charity kondigt 30.000 Web3-beurzen aan in 2023
- As a part of its Binance Charity Scholar Program (BCSP), the exchange will cover the cost of tuition at some of the world’s leading universities.
- BCSP has so far dedicated “$2.2 million BUSD to supporting free access to some of the world’s best Web3 educational opportunities.”
- De toonaangevende beurs kondigde haar plannen aan om 30,65 beurzen te financieren voor studenten die van plan zijn carrière te maken in de Web3-industrie.
- De donaties hebben 259.180 uur aan Web3-onderwijs en -training gesponsord, samen met 67.155 beurzen.
Crypto exchanges and blockchain-focused firms are facing huge losses recently, and due to cash flow problems, they are also letting go of their employees. Interestingly, this global macroeconomic situation doesn’t seem to affect the world’s biggest crypto exchange, Binance, which continues to expand into newer markets and engage in new services. Interestingly, the leading exchange announced its plans to fund 30,65 scholarships to students who plan to make a career in the Web3 industry.
Binance Charity, de filantropische tak van de toonaangevende beurs, aangekondigd dat het beurzen aan studenten zal verstrekken, samen met gratis Web3-onderwijs- en trainingscursussen om hun blootstelling aan de wereld van Web3 te vergroten. Daarom zullen geïnteresseerde studenten toegang kunnen krijgen tot kwaliteitsmateriaal zonder te worden geconfronteerd met financiële belemmeringen die velen ervan weerhouden geïnteresseerd te zijn in de Web3-ruimte.
As a part of the Binance Charity Scholar Program (BCSP), the exchange will cover the cost of tuition and course fees at some of the world’s leading universities, colleges, and vocational training providers. Furthermore, it was revealed that over the course of the last six months, the exchange has received 82,000 applications to its BCSP program and has so far dedicated “$2.2 million BUSD to supporting free access to some of the world’s best Web3 educational opportunities.”
“We recognize that digital education and skills development can be out of reach for many, resulting in a blockchain industry that lacks diversity and talent. The Binance Scholar Program changes all that, covering the costs of tuition and course fees at some of the world’s leading universities, colleges, and vocational training providers,” said Binance Charity.
Some of the colleges and universities that come under Binance Charity’s BCSP include the University of Western Australia, the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in Germany, and Nigerian-based technology hub Utiva. As a part of this initiative, the philanthropic arm of the firm has partnered with Binance Academy, the exchange’s non-profit blockchain education portal.
Terwijl we het over de cijfers hadden, onthulde Binance Charity dat haar donaties 259.180 uur aan Web3-onderwijs en -training hebben gesponsord, samen met 67.155 beurzen, waarvan er 36.500 al zijn toegekend en 30.655 nog moeten worden geopend.
“The response to our Web3 education projects has been unprecedented, showing the keen appetite of so many people to learn about blockchain, De-Fi, NFTs, coding, and much more. We’re seeing interest from a diverse range of people, including a great ratio of women, which is something I feel particularly passionate about,” said Helen Hai, Head of Binance Charity.
Aan de andere kant, zoals eerder gemeld door Bitnation, heeft Binance dat ook is van plan het personeelsbestand in 2023 uit te breiden and admitted that it was not “super efficient” but was well organized to prepare for the next bull run.