L'exchange di criptovalute Coinbase ha nuovamente ridotto la sua forza lavoro di 20% e 950 dipendenti sono stati licenziati.

Il CEO di Coinbase Armstrong denuncia un possibile divieto di cripto staking

  • Il CEO di Coinbase Brian Armstrong ritiene che vietare lo staking al dettaglio sarà negativo per il settore.
  • Armstrong ha chiesto collaborazione nella progettazione di regole chiare per l'industria che promuovano l'innovazione.
  • La Securities and Exchange Commission degli Stati Uniti ha chiesto con forza la regolamentazione delle criptovalute negli Stati Uniti.
  • Coinbase announced last year that it was under investigation by the SEC for its staking incentives program, among other things.

Brain Armstrong, CEO e fondatore dell'exchange di criptovalute Coinbase, ha criticato i possibili piani per vietare lo staking di criptovalute negli Stati Uniti. Armstrong, che è stato coinvolto in una guerra di parole con la Securities and Exchange Commission degli Stati Uniti, ha affermato di aver sentito voci secondo cui il regolatore intende vietare lo staking di criptovalute al dettaglio

Armstrong believes such a move would be a “terrible path for the U.S. if that was allowed to happen.” The Coinbase founder twittato that staking was “a really important innovation. It allows users to participate directly in running open crypto networks. Staking brings many positive improvements to the space, including scalability, increased security, and reduced carbon footprints.”

Armstrong went further to argue that staking was not a security, as claimed by regulators. He called for support to ensure “that new technologies are encouraged to grow in the US and not stifled by a lack of clear rules.”

Addressing the SEC’s growing spingere to regulate the crypto industry, the Coinbase founder noted that “regulation by enforcement doesn’t work. It encourages companies to operate offshore, which is what happened with FTX.”

Although Armstrong did not reveal the source of the rumors, his tweet went viral. While Armstrong’s tweet might surprise some of his followers, previous comments from SEC Chairman Gary Gensler have come to light. Gensler stated that cryptocurrencies that allow staking could be classified as securities under the Howey test despite being defined as commodities by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Gensler told reporters after a Congressional hearing in September 2022 that he was not referencing any specific cryptocurrency, adding that staking was “another indica that under the Howey test, the investing public is anticipating profits based on the efforts of others.”

The top four staked cryptocurrencies by market size account for almost $55 billion in staked assets, according to Staking Rewards, indicating that a national ban would be devastating to the nation’s crypto economy, which has already seen the departure of several crypto companies to more friendly zones.

The SEC is likely to target centralized parties that provide staking services rather than the technology itself, according to several industry experts who believe that a ban on staking would be a hopeless cause that would damage the regulator’s reputation. 

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Autore verificato

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