Charlie Munger chiede il divieto delle criptovalute

  • Un divieto al trading di criptovalute negli Stati Uniti sembra altamente improbabile. Ma i legislatori hanno chiesto politiche più forti.
  • Charlie Munger e Warren Buffet credono che le criptovalute non siano beni reali.

Charlie Munger, Berkshire Hathaway’s Vice Chairman, has advised the U.S. government to ban cryptocurrencies like China did, noting that a lack of regulation has created a gambling mentality. Munger has not hidden his dislike for cryptocurrencies despite the growth of the industry.

In un editoriale pubblicato giovedì, il guru della finanza di 99 anni ha osservato che,

A cryptocurrency is not a currency, not a commodity, and not a security. Instead, it’s a gambling contract with a nearly 100% edge for the house, entered into in a country where gambling contracts are traditionally regulated only by states that compete in laxity. Obviously the U.S. should now enact a new federal law that prevents this from happening.

Munger and his business associate, Warren Buffett, believe that cryptocurrencies are neither real assets nor productive ones. Munger’s most recent remarks come at a time when the cryptocurrency sector is struggling with issues including failed projects and a lack of liquidity, which were made worse by the collapse of FTX. Over $2 trillion was lost from the crypto market’s value in 2022. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum lost over 60% of their value to the bear market.

Munger described crypto as an example of “wild and woolly capitalism.” The investment veteran believes crypto project investors take advantage of investors by offering them coins for “almost nothing.” Munger cited two “interesting precedents” that would inspire the US to take action against crypto.

Munger listed China’s ban on token issuance and derivatives for virtual currencies. He also referenced the English parliament’s ban on all public trading in new common stocks in the 1700s. Munger said the English ban was by “far the biggest national contribution to the march of civilization as it led strongly in both the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution and, to boot, spawned off a promising little country called the United States.”

La Cina ha notoriamente vietato la creazione e il commercio di criptovalute nel 2021. Ma un tale divieto sembra altamente improbabile negli Stati Uniti. Tuttavia, i legislatori del paese stanno esplorando le opzioni normative.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Autore verificato

Ho raccontato alcune storie emozionanti nella mia carriera di giornalista e trovo le storie legate alla blockchain molto intriganti. Credo che Web3 cambierà il mondo e voglio che tutti ne facciano parte.

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