Le gouverneur de la Banque de France veut des licences plus strictes pour les entreprises de cryptographie
- Le gouverneur de la Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, a déclaré que les entreprises de cryptographie ne devraient opérer qu'avec des autorisations réglementaires plus strictes.
- Plutôt que d'attendre que d'autres pays européens adoptent des réglementations plus strictes, la France devrait le faire dès que sa législation sera prête, a-t-il déclaré.
- The banker said that due to the current “unstable environment,” cryptocurrency companies should obtain stricter authorization from watchdogs.
- Les sénateurs visent à éliminer le traitement favorable que la France accorde actuellement aux sociétés de crypto-monnaie.
Avec l'augmentation des cas de tirages au sort et d'insolvabilité parmi les sociétés de cryptographie, les régulateurs du monde entier semblent durcis pour appliquer de meilleurs cadres réglementaires. Bien que la plupart de ces cadres réduisent à terme la décentralisation de l'industrie, ils pourraient rendre les investissements cryptographiques plus sûrs. Récemment, le gouverneur de la Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, déclaré que les entreprises de cryptographie ne devraient continuer à fonctionner qu'avec des autorisations réglementaires plus strictes.
The governor of the central bank of France added that rather than waiting for other European nations to adopt tighter regulations, France should do it right away once its legislation is ready. The central banker claimed that because of the current “unstable environment,” cryptocurrency companies should obtain stricter authorization from watchdogs than the existing ones.
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) has registered about 60 companies, including the world’s biggest crypto exchange Binance, to offer their products and services in the nation. However, none of them currently have the authorization Villeroy wants.
The Governor commented on the recent upheaval in the cryptocurrency world, which witnessed a number of restructurings, bankruptcies, and market declines, vaporizing investors’ interests in the industry. He said that the recent chaotic incidents in the industry are the primary reason France should hurry up with the suggested revisions:
“The disruption seen in 2022 is nourishing one basic conviction: France should switch as soon as possible to the compulsory authorization of DASPs (digital asset service providers) rather than simply requiring their registration. And this needs to happen well before MiCA enters into force to create the necessary framework of trust.”
It is important to note that the European Union’s highly anticipated regulation, Market in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) — could establish a pertinent licensing framework for exchanges and other businesses that will be applicable to all 27 members of the bloc.
Le projet de loi, qui devrait être mis en œuvre en 2024, se concentrera principalement sur la lutte contre l'évasion fiscale et le blanchiment d'argent.
Interestingly, before this in summer of 2021, Villeroy urged the European policymakers to create a cryptocurrency regulatory framework as soon as possible since failure to do so could result in the loss of the Europe’s financial supremacy and a negative impact on the euro:
“Whether it is digital currencies or payments, we in Europe must be ready to act as quickly as necessary or take the risk of an erosion of our monetary sovereignty.”
He also said at the time, that the old continent has one or two years to establish such laws, or the region could “lose its momentum.”
Il est crucial de noter que la France est progressivement devenue plus adoptive de la technologie crypto comme récemment, les principaux échanges de crypto Crypto.com a reçu le feu vert from the top French financial regulators to operate as a Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) in the country. However, following the collapse of FTX, the situation changed and Hervé Maurey, a senator who serves on the finance commission, proposé un amendement cela éliminerait le traitement favorable que la France accorde actuellement aux sociétés de crypto-monnaie.